Home 2019 Elections Videos: Sunday Morning Republican Lies, Idiocy, Hypocrisy, and Randian Ideology

Videos: Sunday Morning Republican Lies, Idiocy, Hypocrisy, and Randian Ideology


It’s amazing how brazen these people are, just wild, crazy-a** lies, Ayn Rand ideology, self delusion, etc. In other words, just another Sunday morning of Republican lies, and Randian ideology.

1. “On Fox, Ryan Refuses To Explain How Romney’s Tax Math Adds Up”

2. “Ryan Falsely Claims Romney Has Been Specific About What He’d Do If Elected”

3. “Blunt Can’t Name Deductions Romney Will Cut To Pay For Tax Cuts For Wealthiest”

4. “Christie Falsely Claims Romney Wouldn’t Cut Taxes on Millionaires and Billionaires”

5. Ryan claims there’s “liberal media bias,” but REFUSES to cite ONE example!

6. “Republicans Hit Romney Over Lack of Specifics, Big Ideas”

7. “Christie on Romney’s Lack of Specifics: ‘He’s not an accountant.'”

8. Oh, and yet more evidence that David Gregory needs to be fired ASAP (in this case, he totally, brutally misquoted President Obama about Al Qaeda. That alone should get him fired, but there are so many more examples of his right-wing bias, incompetence, etc., that he should have been fired a long time ago.)

9. John “GET OFF MY LAWN!” McCain’s snarling, nasty, vicious side comes out yet again.


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