Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, September 25. Just 42 days until Election Day, although people have already started voting, and many (most?) will have voted before November 6. Advantage: Obama! Oh, and check out these powerful videos of Americans telling Willard that “We’re voters, NOT victims.”

*Romney Doesn’t Understand Why You Can’t Roll Down Windows On A Plane

*Romney’s nightmare scenario

*Romney campaign takes friendly fire from within GOP

*Why Is Romney Such a Loser? Seven Theories

*Romney leads by ducking (“He avoids the painful details on taxes.”)

*McDonnell: Goode backers ‘wasting vote,’ endangering Romney (Romney’s “endangered” regardless. Also, why should conservatives vote for a guy who may or may not believe a word of the right-wing drivel he’s been spewing, who’s the father of “Obamneycare,” etc? As usual, T-Bob’s clueless.)

*Mysterious texts sent against Kaine

*VIDEO: Stand-Ins for Kaine and Allen Make Their Case at Asian-American Candidate Forum

*Kaine, Allen don aprons, get cooking (video)

*Chris Graham: Do Dems have a chance in 2013?

*Editorial: Check your mail for your voter ID (“Changes in Virginia’s law offer more alternatives.”)

*Va. a key stop on campaign carousel

*Biden campaigning in Chesterfield today

*Trump to Liberty U. students: ‘Get even’ with foes (Wow, what a combo o’ crazy – Donald Trump and Jerry Falwell’s Liberty U.)

*Capitol Protests: Dismissed (“The right to assemble and petition government for the redress of grievances is a basic constitutional one. The role of law enforcement is to protect such rights. Treating the protesters like peasants in an occupied country was not a wise move.”)

*House Majority PAC Launching Ads in Four Districts

*Schmookler suggests jobs program like the one that built national parks

*Editorial: Cuccinelli does good (“His fair decision to leave Virgil Goode on the ballot gives voters another choice.”)

*Obama to campaign at Farm Bureau Live in Virginia Beach

*Virginia Beach mayor’s campaign war chest leaves challengers in the dust

*Norfolk mayor calls for 2-cent tax increase for school construction

*Report calls for UVa to do more to address past racial disharmony

*McDonnell: Virginia, Maryland could help pay for Metro at Nats games

*Arlington, Falls Church receive funds to prevent stormwater runoff to Chesapeake Bay

*At the National Zoo, a desperate effort to save a stricken giant panda cub

*‘Sun Monster’ shines at right time

for Nationals against Brewers
(“When Washington needed a break after a frustrating stretch, things started looking bright”)

P.S. Almost forgot to mention Coy Barefoot’s interview with President Obama yesterday on Charlottesville Right Now. Congratulations to Coy!


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