Home 2019 Elections Kaine Campaign: Allen Re-Airs Debunked, “Hysteria Laced” Attack on Defense Cuts

Kaine Campaign: Allen Re-Airs Debunked, “Hysteria Laced” Attack on Defense Cuts


From the Kaine campaign:

Kaine for Virginia
October 8, 2012 

Kaine for Virginia Press Office
(804) 359-7106



Richmond, VA – Continuing his practice of running ads based on already debunked claims, George Allen has resurrected the same sequestration attack today that has been called “hysteria laced” and criticized for distorting Tim Kaine’s position. Yet, instead of giving Virginians a balanced, workable solution to avoid defense cuts that doesn’t jeopardize the Commonwealth's economy, George Allen has opted for misleading political rhetoric and an embrace of proposals that would either increase the deficit, cut core services, or further gridlock our government to the point that the Secretary of Defense has warned it would increase the likelihood of harmful defense and domestic cuts.

Tim Kaine, on the other hand, has shared a specific, bipartisan approach with Virginians that prevents deep sequestration cuts and begins reducing the national deficit. Kaine has advocated allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire for income above $500,000, generating $500 billion in revenue over 10 years, ending the prohibition on drug price negotiation for Medicare that would save $240 billion over a decade, and putting a stop to oil subsidies to the big five oil companies that would yield another $24 billion. These three steps would create a manageable amount of savings and protect Virginia’s economy and the nation’s defense from indiscriminate across the board cuts.
“George Allen was willing to let our government default on its obligations rather than join his own party's leaders in a compromise — a position that led to a downgrade of our nation's credit rating. So, it's not surprising that the ideas he's furthering make deep defense and domestic cuts, more likely, not less,” said Kaine for Virginia Communications Director Brandi Hoffine.  “While Tim Kaine has put forward a bipartisan, workable solution to avert this crisis, George Allen is pushing measures, like the 34th vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, that would actually add to the deficit and further gridlock our government in yet another partisan battle.  The last thing Virginians want is to rehash the past, which is exactly what George Allen has called for, and exactly why Virginia can't afford to send George Allen back to the Senate.  Instead, Virginians want to move forward with a leader like Tim Kaine who has shown throughout his career that he can bring people together to deliver results in tough times.” 

The same sequestration attack George Allen committed to today has been widely condemned by the Roanoke Times, the Associated PressPolitifact Virginia, the Washington Times, the Washington Post, and other outlets across the state.

Some Quick Facts You Should Know

“Kaine's Specifics on Sequestration Solution Trumps Allen” [Falls Church News Press, 9/20/12]

Allen’s Argument On Sequestration Is “Deliberately Misleading.” [Roanoke Times, 7/27/12]
Allen Ad “Distorts Kaine’s Position,” Creates “False Impression” Tim Kaine Supports Potential Deep Military Spending Cuts.” [Associated Press, 7/24/12]

AP: “Kaine Was Clear” That His Support Of Debt Limit Deal Did Not Extend To Support For Sequestration. [Associated Press, 7/24/12]

“There’s no record of Kaine calling for the deep defense cuts; to the contrary, he repeatedly said he hoped Congress would strike a compromise to avoid them.” [Politifact Virginia, 9/20/12]

Paul Ryan On Why He Voted For The Debt Deal: “It Was A Step In The Right Direction.” [Face The Nation, 9/9/12]

The House Has Voted To Repeal The Affordable Care Act 33 Times. [CBS News, 7/11/12

Allen Has Rejected A Budget Compromise In Which Spending Cuts Exceed Tax Increases By A Ratio Of 10 To 1. [Roanoke Times, 7/29/12]

Fact Check:

CLAIM“Tim Kaine supported last year’s debt deal that will impose devastating defense cuts, threatening Virginia jobs.”
FACTThe debt deal was negotiated by Republican leaders Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor. Allen’s approach would have led the U.S. to default on its debts for the first time in history, which is why the vast majority of his own allies supported the deal.
Paul Ryan On Why He Voted For The Debt Deal: “It Was A Step In The Right Direction.” In an interview on Face the Nation, Ryan said, “I did, you know why I voted for it? Because I was working to find common ground with Democrats to get a down payment on deficit reduction. I worked with President Obama to find common ground to get a down payment on deficit reduction. It wasn't a big down payment but it was a step in the right direction.”  [Face The Nation, 9/9/12]
John Boehner On Debt Deal: “I Got 98 Percent Of What I Wanted. I'm Pretty Happy.” While discussing the debt deal on CBS Evening News, John Boehner said, “When you look at this final agreement that we came to with the white House, I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I'm pretty happy.” [CBS Evening News, 8/1/11]
U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “This Legislation—The Product Of A Bipartisan Agreement Among Congressional Leaders And President Obama—Must Be Approved To Avert Default.” The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, strongly supports the “Budget Control Act of 2011,” which would increase the statutory debt ceiling. This legislation—the product of a bipartisan agreement among Congressional leaders and President Obama—must be approved to avert default, reduce spending, and begin the process of getting America’s fiscal house in order.” [U.S. Chamber of Commerce Press Release, 8/1/2011]
The US Chamber Of Commerce On Debt Deal: “This Legislation Is The Right Thing To Do.” In a key vote letter supporting the Budget Control Act of 2011, the US Chamber of Commerce said: “As is the nature of all compromises, this bill is not perfect. It does not fix America’s long-run debt and deficit problems, nor reform the tax code, two things that Congress still must do. But this legislation is the right thing to do, now. This legislation increases the statutory debt ceiling in a manner that does not trigger an increase in taxes, but instead would force Congress to cut spending. The Chamber strongly supports the “Budget Control Act of 2011.” The Chamber will consider including votes on, or in relation to, this issue in our annual How They Voted scorecard.” [U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, Key Vote Letter, 8/1/11]
Donohue Threatened To “Get Rid Of” Republicans Who Didn't Support Raising Borrowing Limit. Time reported, “At a Chamber of Commerce event on Monday in Atlanta, Chamber President Tom Donohue had a pointed message for Republicans who won’t raise the borrowing limit: ‘We’ll get rid of you.’ Wall Street is fed up with the debt-limit brinkmanship; John Boehner received a chilly reception when he laid out Republican demands in New York City last month. In Atlanta, Donohue offered the House Speaker the kind of backhanded compliment that can leave a mark. ‘He’s growing into his shorts,’ Donohue said. ‘He’s put on his big boy pants.’” [Time, 6/14/11]
Cantor Negotiated Sequestration Deal And Whipped Freshman Tea Party Representatives To Vote For It. The New York Times reported, “Staff members from the office of Mr. McCarthy and Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the Republican majority leader, leaned on the aides of on-the-fence members, fuming, at times, said several staff members, that their bosses would not simply commit and move on. To get the bill to pass, Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Cantor worked the phones, as well as the hallways and the floor of the House.” [New York Times, 8/2/11]

  • Allen Two Days Ago: Cantor “Is Doing A Fantastic Job As A Leader In The House Of Representatives.” Appearing at Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-Up, Allen said, “It’s great to see so many people here supporting Eric Cantor, who is doing a fantastic job as a leader in the House of Representatives.” [Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-up, 10/6/12]
  • Allen Praised Cantor’s “Positive, Constructive Leadership.” Appearing at Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-Up, Allen said, “we’re going to have Eric Cantor and his positive, constructive leadership improving the lives of people at their kitchen tables, their small businesses.” [Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-up, 10/6/12]

McConnell Praised The Budget Control Act As One Of The “Things We Agree On… [That] Will Get Us A Trillion Dollars In Savings Over 10 Years.” The following exchange occurred on NBC’s Meet The Press: DAVID GREGORY: “Isn't this classic? Politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths? We can't have an ultimatum, ‘my way or the highway,’ but we will not talk about tax increases as we go forward to try to bring this budget into balance over time.” SEN MINORITY LEADER MITCH MCCONNELL: “Well, regretfully, it never gets talked about, but there actually are things we agree on. We passed the Budget Control Act last August, this past August. It will get us a trillion dollars in savings over 10 years.” [Meet the Press, 9/18/11]
Six Out Of Eight Of Virginia’s Republican Congressman Voted For Sequestration Deal. The Richmond Times Dispatch reported that six of Virginia’s Republican congressman voted for sequestration deal. They include: Robert J. Wittman, R-1st; Scott Rigell, R-2nd; Robert Hurt, R-5th; Robert W. Goodlatte, R-6th; Eric Cantor, R-7th; Frank R. Wolf, R-10th. [Richmond Times Dispatch, 8/2/11]
McDonnell Supported Debt Ceiling Deal. The Virginian-Pilot reported, “Offering measured praise for the late-breaking federal debt ceiling deal that averted a potential credit default, Gov. Bob McDonnell cautioned Tuesday that it is just a ‘small first step’ to get government spending under control. ‘I am pleased that we have avoided default, which would have threatened Virginia's AAA bond rating and have been catastrophic for our economy, and that this legislation cuts spending and does not raise taxes,’ the governor said in a statement. ‘Throughout this debate I have been clear that Congress must raise the debt limit by August 2 and that any increase in the debt limit should be accompanied by a reduction in federal spending. This legislation, while not perfect, achieves both of those objectives.’” [The Virginian-Pilot, 8/2/11]
Fairfax County Chamber Of Commerce Supported Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling. The Washington Post Virginia Politics blog reported, “Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce President Jim Corcoran, mindful of the billions of dollars that pour into Northern Virginia from the federal government, called on Congress and the White House on Tuesday to cut a deal to raise the debt ceiling or risk damaging Virginia’s economic powerhouse.” [The Washington Post, Virginia Politics Blog, 7/26/11]
Rove Praised House Republicans For The Debt Deal They Negotiated And Passed, Called The Cuts In The Deal “A Down Payment.” In an op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove wrote, “For Republicans, the outcome was far more positive. House Republicans adroitly shifted the debate's focus from how much to raise the debt ceiling to how much should spending be cut. They achieved this even while the other two centers of power in any legislative struggle—the Senate and the White House—remained in Democratic hands. In doing so, Republicans achieved roughly two-thirds of the spending cuts sought in the budget the House passed in April, cuts which would have gone nowhere in the Senate without the debt-ceiling battle. . . . The cuts agreed to in the debt-ceiling debate are a down payment.” [Rove Op-Ed, Wall Street Journal, 8/4/11]
CLAIM“George Allen’s plan stops the defense cuts, creates jobs, and grows our economy.”
FACT: Allen’s approach makes gridlock and sequestration more likely.
New York Times: Allen Suggested Repealing The Health Care Law And Implementing An Optional Flat Tax To Avoid Sequestration, But Both Would Increase The Deficit. The New York Times reported, “Mr. Allen, who has made those defense cuts the centerpiece of his campaign of late, offered only vague solutions. He said repealing President Obama’s health care law would help, although the Congressional Budget Office says repeal would raise the deficit over 10 years, not lower it. And he proposed a flat tax that households could voluntarily choose over the existing tax code. Tax analysts say that too would likely increase the deficit by giving taxpayers the ability to choose whichever tax code saved them money.” [New York Times, 9/20/12]

  • The House Has Voted To Repeal The Affordable Care Act 33 Times. In a piece headlined, “Health Care Repeal Effort: Worth The Time?” CBS news reported, “The House of Representatives voted to repeal the president's health care law Wednesday. It is the 33rd time that House Republicans have done that, even though they know the repeal won't pass the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. Even if it did, the President would veto it. When there's urgent business before the House, why spend so much time voting to repeal the law over and over again?” [CBS News, 7/11/12

Allen Expressed Support For The House Plan To Avoid Sequester Cuts. In an interview on WLNI, Allen said, “It seems to me that what we ought to be doing is—and the House passed this by the way—the House passed a measure in May to avert these devastating cuts to the military, and make cuts elsewhere.” [WLNI Morning Line, 9/25/12]
“Panetta Said The Measure Has Actually Made It More — Yes, More — Likely That Sequestration Will Take Effect.” Politico’s Morning Defense reported, “The most devastating comments from Panetta’s press conference yesterday came when he discussed a bill approved by the House GOP that would avert sequestration. Panetta said the measure has actually made it more — yes, more — likely that sequestration will take effect. He blasted the plan, which shields the Pentagon from the automatic cuts by slashing funds for poverty programs, such as food stamps. ‘By taking these funds from the poor, middle-class Americans, homeowners and other vulnerable parts of our American constituencies,’ Panetta said, ‘the guaranteed results will be confrontation, gridlock and a greater likelihood of sequester.’” [Politico Morning Defense, 5/11/12]
House Republican Plan Recommends Completely Eliminating The Social Services Block Grant, Which Provides Meals On Wheels For 1.7 Million Seniors. The following was written by the Democratic Minority staff of the House Budget Committee: “The Republican proposal makes the following changes: Eliminates the Social Services Block Grant, which gives states and localities the flexibility to target funding for essential services. Overall, the Block Grant helps 23 million children, seniors, and disabled Americans become self-sufficient and economically independent through services funded in whole, or in part, by the program.  It provides home-based services, such as Meals on Wheels, for 1.7 million seniors.  It helps prevent child abuse and neglect, providing child protective services for 1.8 million at-risk children.  It supports low-income parents returning to work by providing child care and related assistance for 4.4 million children.  It also provides services for nearly 1 million disabled individuals, including respite care and transportation.  Ending the program saves $16.7 billion.” [Minority Views on the Sequester Replacement Act of 2012, 5/9/12]

  • In Fiscal Year 2009, Virginia’s Meals On Wheels Program Had 56,730 Registered Clients; 37% Of The Program’s Clients Lived Below The Poverty Level And 31% Lived In Rural Areas. [Meals on Wheels Association of America, 2009]

The House Republican Plan Would Require Federal Employees To Pay More For Their Retirement Benefits; Each Employee Would Be Forced To Pay $30,000 More On Average Over Ten Years. The following was written by the Democratic Minority staff of the House Budget Committee: “The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform passed on a party-line vote reconciliation recommendations that generate $83 billion by requiring all federal employees, including postal workers, to pay more for their retirement benefits. Consequently, each federal employee will, in effect, have their pay cut an average of more than $30,000 over the next ten years. These new cuts to federal employee pay come on top of $60 billion in cuts resulting from the two-year pay freeze and $15 billion in cuts resulting from increasing retirement contributions on new federal employee enacted in H.R. 3630, the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2012. Under the bill, most existing employees under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)and the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) will face a 5 percentage point increase in their retirement contributions, which will be phased in over five years.  The increase for new FERS employees is smaller – 2.7 percentage points – because their contributions were already increased by 2.3 percentage points as part of the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2012, which will go into full effect starting 2013.” [Minority Views on the Sequester Replacement Act of 2012, 5/9/12]

  • There Were 307,719 Active Federal Employees And Retirees Located In Virginia As Of November 2010. [Office of Personnel Management, Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2010]

The House Republican Plan Recommends Making Significant Cuts To Health Care, Including Funds Dedicated To Women’s Health, Cancer Screenings, Immunizations, Research And Prevention. The following was written by the Democratic Minority staff of the House Budget Committee: “The Energy and Commerce Committee reported reconciliation legislation that cuts $115 billion from health expenditures.  All of the cuts come from repeal of certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), cuts to Medicaid, and medical malpractice reform, over which it shares jurisdiction with the Judiciary Committee…Repeals the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Repealing this fund and rescinding unobligated funding reduces spending on prevention and public health by $11.9 billion. The ACA appropriated a total of $5 billion for 2010 through 2014 and $2 billion for each subsequent year to support such programs as cancer screenings, immunizations, research on prevention, and education and outreach.  The goal of the fund is to provide an expanded and sustained investment in these programs to improve overall health and help restrain the rate of growth in private- and public-sector health care costs.  Some of the funding to be cut is allocated for women’s health, including breast cancer and cervical cancer screening.  The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (the first payroll tax cut extension bill) already reduced funding for this fund by $5.0 billion.” [Minority Views on the Sequester Replacement Act of 2012, 5/9/12]

  • Since 2010, Virginia Has Received $20 Million In Grants From The Prevention And Public Health Fund Established By The ACA. [Healthcare.gov, 7/31/12]

The House Republican Plan Recommends $22.7 Billion In Cuts To Medicaid Spending. The following was written by the Democratic Minority staff of the House Budget Committee: “The Energy and Commerce Committee reported reconciliation legislation that cuts $115 billion from health expenditures. All of the cuts come from repeal of certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), cuts to Medicaid, and medical malpractice reform, over which it shares jurisdiction with the Judiciary Committee…The recommendation cuts Medicaid spending and reduces the deficit by $22.7 billion over the next decade, harming hundreds of thousands of low-income Americans, including at least 300,000 children.” [Minority Views on the Sequester Replacement Act of 2012, 5/9/12]

  • In FY 2011, The Virginia Medicaid Program Served Over 800,000 Individuals, Including: – 591,360 Children – 178,909 Parents Or Caregivers Of Children And Pregnant Women – 82,885 Elderly Persons – 207,686 Persons With A Disability [Department of Medical Assistance Services, “The Virginia Medicaid Program At A Glance,” February 2012]

Under The House Republican Plan, Nearly 300,000 Children Will Lose Free School Meals. The following was written by the Democratic Minority staff of the House Budget Committee: “The Republican proposal cuts the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which helps struggling households purchase adequate food and nutrition. The legislation reduces assistance to every single household receiving SNAP benefits almost immediately and cuts 1.8 million people off of food assistance entirely. In addition, nearly 300,000 children will lose free school meals, on top of losing the benefits that provide food at home.” [Minority Views on the Sequester Replacement Act of 2012, 5/9/12]
Allen Has Rejected A Budget Compromise In Which Spending Cuts Exceed Tax Increases By A Ratio Of 10 To 1. In an op-ed in The Roanoke Times, Christina Nuckols wrote, “An underlying theme of last weekend's Virginia Bar Association debate between Republican George Allen and Democrat Tim Kaine was the need to elect a senator who can work across party lines. . . . The Republican offered little hope that he would be a consensus builder if given a second Senate term after his 2006 defeat by Webb. For example, Allen rejected a hypothetical budget compromise in which spending cuts exceeded tax increases by a ratio of 10 to 1.” [Editorial, Roanoke Times, 7/29/12]
Allen “Rejected Any Additional Taxes, Not Even At A Ratio Of $10 In Cuts For Every $1 Of Higher Taxes.” NBC News & Wire Services reported, “Early in the debate, Allen and Kaine sketched a few clear policy distinctions. Kaine said he favored a blend of cuts and revenue for reducing federal deficits — $3 in spending reductions for every $1 of new taxes. Allen, prodded by debate moderator Candy Crowley of CNN, rejected any additional taxes, not even at a ratio of $10 in cuts for every $1 of higher taxes.” [NBC News & Wire Services, 7/21/12]
Allen Pledged To Oppose Closing Tax Loopholes, Unless Matched “Dollar For Dollar” By Further Reducing Tax Rates. A press release from the Allen campaign stated, “Former Gov. George Allen has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge in his race for Virginia’s U.S. Senate seat. The Pledge, sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), commits signers to ‘oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses … and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.’” [George Allen Campaign Press Release, 1/25/11]



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