Home 2019 Elections New Romney Ad: “Erroneous”…”Astonishingly Misleading”…”No Good Explanation”… “Despicable”… “Despera

New Romney Ad: “Erroneous”…”Astonishingly Misleading”…”No Good Explanation”… “Despicable”… “Despera


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New Romney Ad: “Erroneous”…”Astonishingly Misleading”…”No Good Explanation”… “Despicable”… “Desperate”… “Lie”



Detroit Free Press: “Not only was the story wrong, Romney took criticism for not knowing better and repeating it without questioning it.”


Toledo Blade: “‘The latest Romney ad, I will grant you, is a clever play on words to avoid saying things that are utterly false,’ Mr. Rattner said, referring to a new Romney ad out today. But he said the implication of the ad is ‘just not true. Chrysler is adding people. It's made major investments in the Toledo Wrangler plant.’”


Huffington Post“Where the ad goes from misleading to something more nefarious is in the text it shows. At one point, it displays a line from a Bloomberg story stating that Chrysler “plans to return Jeep output to China,” the implication being that the company is moving operations there as opposed to expanding operations that are already there.”


Wall Street Journal“So far, the Romney campaign hasn’t issued a public statement on the flap.”


Sam Stein ‏@samsteinhp i asked this morning and am still waiting this evening: anyone have a sound defense of this Romney Jeep ad?


Ron Fournier ‏@ron_fournier  Nope “@samsteinhp: i asked this morning and am still waiting this evening: anyone have a sound defense of this Romney Jeep ad?”


Ben White ‏@morningmoneyben Wait, not only did Romney camp not back off the erroneous Jeep to China canard, they made an ad out of it? My god


Ben White ‏@morningmoneyben @davidshepardson it's astonishingly misleading


David Shepardson ‏@davidshepardson  @morningmoneyben I agree many people will assume ad means Jeep sending US jobs to China


Joe Vardon ‏@joevardon  Wait, Jeep isn't considering moving manufacturing to China? But Romney said in Ohio … http://bit.ly/ScsbsY


McKay Coppins ‏@mckaycoppins  There's really no good explanation or excuse for it. Mitt Romney's Jeep ad is misleading. Full stop.


Tim Dickinson ‏@7im“Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China” http://on.freep.com/VRbWVD 


Michael Cohen ‏@speechboy71 The mendaciousness of Romney's new auto ad is breathtaking even for him: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121028/POLITICS01/210280314 …


ThinkProgress ‏@thinkprogress  Is the new Romney ad on the auto bailout the most dishonest one this cycle? http://thkpr.gs/RdUgMh  #probably


Travis Waldron ‏@Travis_Waldron  Mitt can't tell the truth about GM/Chrysler, because the truth is simple: At every turn, he was wrong.


Sam Stein ‏@samsteinhp  The Romney campaign did defend the Jeep ad to me, by citing the Bloomberg piece that has been called wrong by Jeephttp://huff.to/PAZCWY


Blake Hounshell ‏@blakehounshell  OK, @CitizenCohn has persuaded me: this is pretty despicable http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/109256/romney-ohio-chrysler-jeep-china-toledo-obama-gm-rescue# …


Andrew Kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew  Interestingly, this Romney ad cites the Detroit News, which also debunked the Jeep production moving to China claim. http://youtu.be/kVv6w0EC7Qs


Josh Greenman ‏@joshgreenman  Who's acting desperate now? http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/109256/romney-ohio-chrysler-jeep-china-toledo-obama-gm-rescue …


Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald  Do GOPers believe Romney when he repeatedly says Chrysler' moving jeep job to china, when company says it's a lie? He'll say anything to win


A sampling of headlines the ad has received:


Detroit Free Press: Romney's latest ad claims he will do more for the auto industry than Obama
Columbus Dispatch: Jeep/Romney question lingers

Detroit News: UAW denounces Romney comments on Jeep production

Detroit News: New Romney ad: 'Italians' plan to build Jeeps in China

Detroit Free Press: Romney returns topic to auto industry bailout, his weak spot, in crucial swing state Ohio
Detroit Free Press: Romney camp silent on his Jeep-to-China gaffe
Detroit News: Romney picks up incorrect story about Jeep production moving to China
Detroit Free Press: Romney repeats false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China; Chrysler refutes story
Detroit Free Press: Tom Walsh: Romney keeps returning to auto industry, a vulnerable spot
MLive: Romney wrongly claims Chrysler may move all Jeep production to China (video)
NBC 24: Jeep not leaving Toledo for China, Chrysler assures
Toledo Blade: Romney worries about Jeep going to China

Toledo Blade: Romney tweaks Jeep production to China claim

Toledo Blade: Auto czar protests Romney plan for auto industry
WFIN: Unions Protest Romney/Ryan Appearance In Findlay

CBS: Romney cites incorrect auto manufacturing claim in Ohio
The Hill: Chrysler: Romney is wrong, Jeep not leaving US for China
NBC: Politics of auto bailout haunt Romney in Northwest Ohio

Wall Street Journal: Romney Ad Escalates Detroit Rescue Controversy

Huffington Post: Mitt Romney Releases Auto Ad That Misleads On Facts

Think Progress: Romney Auto Bailout Ad Tells Four Myths In 30 Seconds

The New Republic: A Desperate, Deceptive Gambit for Romney in Ohio


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