Home 2019 Elections Obama Campaign: “Facts Matter and Mitt Romney Didn’t Deliver Them”

Obama Campaign: “Facts Matter and Mitt Romney Didn’t Deliver Them”


From the Obama campaign:


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For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 3, 2012  

Contact: Obama for America Press (312) 985-1198


Facts Matter and Mitt Romney Didn’t Deliver Them


CHICAGO — While Mitt Romney’s rhetoric may have sounded polished tonight, it just wasn’t true. On issue after issue, Romney avoided giving specifics and, in several instances, told flat-out falsehoods.


It’s no surprise why – the more Americans learn about Mitt Romney’s plans to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, to eliminate Wall Street reforms that protect middle class families from the abuses that caused the recession, and to repeal Obamacare with no plans to help individuals with pre-existing conditions, the less likely they are to support him.


Facts matter and Mitt Romney is unwilling to give them to the American people.


What People Are Saying:


CNN’s David Gergen: “Romney was just sort of flat out lying.”


Los Angeles Times: “The Romney campaign has refused to say which loopholes it would close, and Romney did not clear up the question Wednesday.”


Bloomberg News: “Romney's tax plan can't add up.” 


CNBC Fact Check: “Romney again tonight did not say specifically how he would pay for his proposed across the board tax cut.”  


The Washington Post: “Mitt Romney needs to spend a little more time with his budget reports.” 


Los Angeles Times: “Fact check: Romney repeats erroneous claims on healthcare”:


Chicago Sun-Times“If, however, you score Wednesday’s debate on substance — accurate facts and honest arithmetic — Obama more than held his own.”

Fact Check‏@factcheckdotorgRomney says he will pay for $5T tax cut without raising deficit or raising taxes on middle class. Experts say that's not possible….

Rachel Weiner ‏@rachelweinerwp Fact Checker: Romney says “six other studies” have found his plan can be revenue neutral, but he’s wrong about that. http://wapo.st/UGjQeh

Matt Yglesias ‏@mattyglesias Romney's tax plan is basically 2+2=5.


Los Angeles Times ‏@latimes Fact check: Romney's tax claims challenged by nonpartisan report: http://lat.ms/RBZyUT (via @LisaMascaroinDC)

PolitiFact ‏@politifact We looked at whether five studies back up Romney's tax plan. Mostly False. Our review: http://ow.ly/ecKPd  #debate

PolitiFact @politifact  Reputable study found Romney’s tax plan can't reduce overall rates AND raise same revenues. Our check: http://ow.ly/ecpR4  #debate 

PolitiFact @politifact Is Romney plan for future Medicare a voucher system? Mostly True. http://ow.ly/ecMuu  #debate

Fact Check‏@factcheckdotorgRomney said Obama “cut” Medicare by $716B but cuts in the future growth of spending prolong life of Medicare. http://ow.ly/ecMJ8 

PolitiFact @politifact From the archives: Rick Santorum said Romney adviser admits Romneycare was blueprint for Obamacare. Mostly True. http://ow.ly/ecNPm 

PolitiFact ‏@politifactObamacare is a government takeover of health care? That was the 2010 Lie of the Year. http://ow.ly/ecO9V  #debate

Michael Crowley ‏@CrowleyTIME Romney closes with pretty dishonest warning about defense cuts


Jonathan Cohn ‏@CitizenCohnSigh. Romney not telling the truth here. Pre-existing conditions NOT covered under his plan http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/107049/romney-pre-existing-condition-obamacare-repeal-gregory-meet-the-press 


Ezra Klein ‏@ezrakleinAround 89 million Americans would likely be left out of Romney's “preexisting conditions plan,” such as it is. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/09/10/who-would-be-left-out-of-romneys-preexisting-conditions-plan-about-89-million-americans/ 


Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Editorial: Romney wins on style, Obama on facts


Los Angeles Times: Fact Check: Romney's tax claims challenged by non-partisan report

Bloomberg: Romney Tax Plan Needs Growth to Add Up: Reality Check

Washington Post:  Romney off on deficits


Los Angeles Times: Fact check: Romney repeats erroneous claims on healthcare 

Talking Points MemoRomney Backs Away From Own Tax Plan 


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