Home 2019 Elections Obama Leads Romney 66%-22%; Kaine Leads Allen 64%-24% Among Virginia Latino Voters

Obama Leads Romney 66%-22%; Kaine Leads Allen 64%-24% Among Virginia Latino Voters


From America's Voice:

This week, America’s Voice with Latino Decisions is finishing our series of releases on polling information about Latino voters in key swing states.  Tomorrow, we are releasing new data about Latino voters in Virginia.  They’ll answer questions about which candidate these segments of the electorate are supporting, what their policy priorities are, how enthusiastic they are about voting, what they do and don’t like about each candidate, and much more.


The full results of the Latino vote polling for Virginia are attached.  Here’s a summary*:



The percentage of Virginia Latino voters who rank immigration as a top issue that Congress and the President should address (this is HIGHER than Virginia Latino voters who rank jobs/the economy as their most important priority, at 47%)


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who say that immigration as a topic is important to their voting decision


Obama approval rating among Virginia Latino voters


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who support Obama’s reelection, compared to 22% supporting Romney


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who support Democratic Senatorial candidate Tim Kaine, compared to 24% supporting Republican George Allen


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who say that President Obama’s deferred action policy makes them more enthusiastic about Obama


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who say that Mitt Romney’s support of self-deportationand harsh anti-immigrant laws makes them less enthusiastic about Romney


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who say they know someone who is an undocumented immigrant


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who say they know a DREAMer


Percentage of Virginia Latino voters who say they are enthusiastic about voting in November



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