Home 2019 Elections Audio: Bill Bolling on Takeover of RPV by Tea Party “Confederation”; Possible...

Audio: Bill Bolling on Takeover of RPV by Tea Party “Confederation”; Possible Run as an Independent


A few classic quotes from Bill Bolling in this interview, in which he essentially declares his independence from a Republican Party that’s been taken over by the Tea Party, Ken Cuccinnelli and his hard-right supporters, etc. Yep, just as Jeannemarie Davis said yesterday, it’s one big happy family in the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV). LOL

*”In June of this year, the [Republican] State Central Committee was essentially taken over by a confederation of supporters of Attorney General Cuccinelli and various Tea Party groups and Ron Paul groups…”

*My concerns with Mr. Cuccinelli were two fold. Number one, I questioned his electability in a statewide campaign for governor…and then secondly, I questioned his ability to effectively and responsibly govern our state…I wasn’t just saying those things, I meant those things.”

*”I know Ken Cuccinelli well. I know his strengths, and I know his weaknesses. And I have serious reservations about [Cuccinelli’s] ability to effectively and responsibly govern our state. And until and unless those reservations are addressed in my mind, I cannot in good conscience to endorse or support his campaign for governor.”

*[Bolling is asked if he’s prepared to unequivocally rule out an independent bid for governor]. “Well, I have not ruled that out, and I’m not prepared to rule that out.”

*[Bolling is asked if he minds getting thrown out of the Republican Party and/or is willing to ditch the GOP for refusing to endorse Ken Cuccinelli.] “Well, it won’t be my decision, that would have to be their decision, but if that’s the decision they want to make, you know that’s a decision they can make, it doesn’t bother me either way…My focus going forward is gonna be on being more of an independent voice for Virginia, more of an independent voice on the important issues facing our state. There is a certain degree of freedom that comes along with having some of those political shackles removed from you. It gives you  the ability to speak out a little more independently and a little more objectively on the important issues of the day, and I intend to do that…”

All I can say is: RUN BILL BOLLING RUN!!!


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