Gerrymandering Stole Dem House Gains in Virginia


    So by now Obama’s commanding 4 point victory in the Commonwealth (51% to 47%) and Kaine’s 6 point victory (53% to 47%) have been proclaimed and celebrated. Now we can really and truly say that Old Virginny is dead. But we also have the disappointment of our House races, where none attracted significant national attention as a competitive race. The Congressional delegation remains unchanged at 3 Democrats and 8 Republicans. What happened?

    It’s not for lack of effort. According to the unofficial results from the State Board of Elections available now, Democrats received 1,849,820 votes total statewide in all House races. Republicans fell behind at 1,832,966. This is a closer split than either Obama or Kaine, it’s practically a 50%-50% tie. But that’s a lot closer than the delegation itself, which is only 27% Democratic and 73% Republican!

    Let’s look district by district.

    1st District


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