Home National Politics Paul Krugman: “Obama needs to draw a line now…He’s already given too...

Paul Krugman: “Obama needs to draw a line now…He’s already given too much”


Paul Krugman nails it.

…all of a sudden it’s feeling a lot like 2011 again, with the president negotiating with himself while the other side enjoys the process.

So Obama needs to draw a line right now: no further concessions. None. He’s already given too much.

Yes, this probably means going over the cliff. So be it: it’s less bad than the alternative.

My feelings exactly. The only thing I’d add is this: President Obama, we worked our butts off to reelect you, we had your back when you needed it, now it’s time for you to have OUR backs and not back down to Republican extortion, bad-faith dealing, and hare-brained ideas, especially when you have all the leverage. Thank you.


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