Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, January 26. Also check out Rep. Bobby Scott’s closing remarks at Vice President Biden’s gun violence roundtable in Richmond

*Senators near agreement on immigration

*Neoconfederate Judges Rule NLRB Recess Appointments Unconstitutional

*Dana Milbank: House Republicans, living in a fantasy world

*Top Republican Distances Himself From GOP’s Election-Rigging Plan

*FLASHBACK: Republicans Opposed Electoral Vote Rigging In 2004, Calling It ‘A Really Stupid Idea’

*Proposal to bar gay discrimination

*Virginia faces $1.4 billion loss under planned Navy cuts

*McDonnell: Don’t change how Va. awards electoral votes

*Updated: GOP Sen. Smith opposes bill to allocate presidential electoral votes by congressional district

*Will a moderate Republican stand up in Va.? (Sadly, “moderate Republican” is basically and oxymoron these days. Democrats, in contrast, are almost uniformly center or mildly center-left.)

*Dragas 1 step away from confirmation on U.Va. board (I’m truly amazed at the lack of uproar by UVA students, faculty, and alumni, considering how angry they were at what Dragas did to President Sullivan. Weird.)

*Bill preventing state officials from enforcing federal gun laws passes Va. House committee (Also see GANGBANGER BILL OF RIGHTS PASSES HOUSE COMMITTEE

*GOP giving McDonnell a beating? (“It could derail his legacy agenda”)

*McAuliffe Urges Cuccinelli to Oppose Redistricting

*Sen. Mark Warner statement on retirement of Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss (Looking at his voting record and recalling his despicable ads against Vietnam War hero/triple amputee Max Cleland, my statement is as follows: GOOD RIDDANCE!!!)

*McDonnell sells transportation plan in Northern Virginia (The question is why would anyone buy the garbage McDonnell’s peddling?)

*Redistricting has ex-Rep. Davis eyeing Va. Senate (“The onetime Alabama Democrat [Artur Davis] is now a Republican who’s said to be considering a state Senate bid in Northern Virginia, perhaps against Sen. Dave Marsden, in 2015 if the new district map remains in place…” Blech.)

*Proposed electoral revamp yields infamous fraction (Seems appropriate at some level for this pathetic maneuver by Republicans)

*Cuccinelli wants Bolling on his side

*Nats will name William Howard Taft new racing president

*Capitals collect a point but fall in OT

*Third snow in a week hits Richmond


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