Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, January 29. Also, click on the image to “embiggen;” that pretty sums up the utter hypocrisy of Republicans regarding Benghazi. We might also add the 1983 U.S. Marine barracks bombing in Beirut under President Reagan, where 241 U.S. servicemen were killed, yet to my recollection no Democrats accused Reagan or his administration of…whatever it is crazy Teapublicans are accusing Obama, Clinton, Rice et al of regarding Benghazi. Of course, it’s OK if you’re a Republican…

*Economy marks a milestone: Real estate returns (It’s that damn “socialist” in the White House again! LOL)

*Obama to call for sweeping changes to immigration laws (This sounds like a better approach than what we saw yesterday from the Senate. In particular, I don’t believe we should make people wait decades to be able to earn citizenship.)

*Republicans lost in the wilderness

*A Second G.O.P. (“Would a coastal and Midwestern G.O.P. sit easily with the Southern and Western one? No, but majority parties are usually coalitions of the incompatible. This is really the only chance Republicans have. The question is: Who’s going to build a second G.O.P.?”)

*Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gay members, leaders (Do it!)

*Senate panel shoots down bill that would ease ultrasound rule (Virginia Republicans continue their war on women’s freedom and choice.)

*House passes utility regulation changes, scrapping renewable energy incentives

*Editorial: Bravo, Sen. Smith (“Sen. Ralph Smith showed he has the ability to see beyond the last election.”)

*Va. lawmakers’ gifts last year were padded with travel

*Warned on Medicaid, assembly acts on health exchange

*House panel backs ‘Tebow bill’ (This needs to be killed by the Senate.)

*Va. delegate seeks curbs on use of drones in state

*Analysis: Will Bill Bolling run for governor as an independent?

*Cuccinelli backed failed bill to ease ultrasound rule (Wow, Cuckoo’s trying hard to look “moderate” for the 2013 election. Just remember one thing: he isn’t!)

*Senate approves bills on two-term governor, ex-felon voting rights

*Senate approves bill to ease presidential ballot access

*Bill would define, ban bullying in Virginia schools

*School mental health bills advance in Virginia House

*Dominion/Appalachian Power legislation hurts Virginia in the long run

*Effort to repeal ban on ‘shacking up’ advances in Va. (How can this actually be a law in America in the year 2013?!?)

*Bill advances on fine for smoking with kids in car

*Uranium prospects fading in General Assembly

*Bay Buchanan quits TV punditry, takes online real estate class after Romney’s ‘brutal’ loss (Need a real estate agent in McLean? Call McEnearney Associates and ask for Bay Buchanan! LOL)

*D.C. area forecast: Tumultous temps – big midweek warming, then they crash


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