Home 2019 Elections Audio: GOP LG Candidate Scott Lingamfelter Rips Susan Stimpson Campaign for Locking...

Audio: GOP LG Candidate Scott Lingamfelter Rips Susan Stimpson Campaign for Locking Out Voters


Gotta love it; the Virginia Republican nominating convention is already degenerating into one of the Republicans’ favorite tactics: preventing people who don’t agree with them from voting. In this case, apparently it’s the Bill Howell-backed LG campaign of Susan Stimpson engaged in something known as “slating.” Check it out, from this morning’s John Frederick Show.

John Frederick: We want to ask you this, Delegate Lingamfelter, explain to our audience, there’s kinds of some scuttlebutt coming down about one of the campaigns getting involved in “slating” delegates, where essentially people who want to sign up being prevented from signing up; we’ve had some criticism of the Susan Stimpson campaign for that around the internet, what exactly does that mean?

Del. Scott Lingamfelter (R): Well, there is a tactic that some campaigns use that really, I think, is counterproductive to what we’re trying to do in the Republican Party…The tactic that’s been employed by the [Susan] Stimpson campaign is one of exclusivity, in other words lock people out who don’t support a particular candidate. And in this case, it appears that that was done in a county down in southwest Virginia, and unfortunately there were…a few people that apparently were excluded who were not there to support Stimpson; a couple of them were mine…the tactic is very anti-Ronald Reagan in my view, which is one that stands against bringing people in…we need to do that now and not pick these silly tactics that the Stimpson campaign clearly seems to me to be behind…It’s very very hurtful to the party…it’s just wrong.


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