Home 2019 Elections Memo: Ken Cuccinelli vs Transportation Compromise

Memo: Ken Cuccinelli vs Transportation Compromise

To: Interested Parties
From: McAuliffe Communications
Memo: Ken Cuccinelli vs Transportation Compromise

Today’s Washington Post Editorial laid bare Ken Cuccinelli’s career-long obstruction of any progress on transportation.  With Cuccinelli now threatening to use the Attorney General’s office to derail the bipartisan transportation bill because of his extreme ideological opposition to any transportation compromise, it is helpful to take a step back and look at the progression of his attempts to derail progress at every stage of the process.

November 2012:  

February 4, 2013: 

February 11, 2013: 

  • Washington Post: Virginia’s governor says he’s prepared to cut a deal on transportation 

February 22, 2013:  

February 23, 2013:  

  • Roanoke Times: Cuccinelli opinion could jeopordize deals on Medicaid, roads
  • Free Lance-Star: Cuccinelli opinion throws Assembly, transportation into doubt 
  • Washington Post: Cuccinelli opinion threatens Medicaid, transportation deals 

Later that day and February 24, 2013:  

But Ken Cuccinelli still doesn’t want to quit: 

March 15, 2013: 

  • NBC 4: Cuccinelli Says Transportation Plan Is Still Not Done

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