Home 2019 Elections Pete Snyder: “it’s actually better to be uninsured than to be on...

Pete Snyder: “it’s actually better to be uninsured than to be on Medicaid.”


You don’t get any more ignorant, irresponsible, or heartless than this. Of course, Virginia Republican LG candidate Pete Snyder is just pulling this stuff out of his butt, making stuff up out of whole cloth, etc. What else is new? Oh, and as an added bonus, “Snyder also elevates the suspect $902 million price tag claim to ‘$902 billion,’ in an apparent typo in that post {on Bearing Drift}.” Meh, being off by a factor of a thousand, what’s that for a businessman? I mean, if one if his employees says, “hey boss, can I have a $1 million raise,” does Snyder think it’s the same as $1,000 and say “sure!”? LOL, sounds to me like a perfect pick for the Teahadist nomination!

P.S. Perhaps Synder should debate Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, a Republican who “begged reticent GOP lawmakers – many of whom showed up in black to protest Brewer’s decision – to look past politics and understand the human and financial toll that failing to pass the [Medicaid] expansion would instill on Arizonanas. “The human cost of this tragedy can’t be calculated,” Brewer said.”


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