Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, March 30. Also, see President Obama’s weekly address, in which he offers Passover and Easter greetings to America.

*Scalia’s gay adoption claim: Even wronger than I thought (The top rated comment says it all: “I’m confused as to why anyone is surprised by this; conservatives use this linguistic sleight of hand about evolution, climate change, birth control, etc… all the time. When a conservative says there’s ‘considerable disagreement,’ what they mean is ‘I really, really, really don’t agree with the overwhelming data that exists’.” Exactly.Also, Scalia is a @#$#@$! disgrace to humanity, America, the Supreme Court, etc.)

*GOP could be own worst enemy in Senate races (“Party’s seeming advantage in 2014 could be blunted if extremely conservative nominees emerge from primaries.” And hopefully in Virginia in 2013 as well!)

*Epithets against Latinos, gays hamper Republicans’ outreach efforts (Yep, that’s Republicans for ya. The only time they change? When it adversely affects their own families, their own economic or political interests. Why? Because they don’t have any empathy.)

*The Campaign to Outlaw Abortion (“Extreme new restrictions in North Dakota and elsewhere are clearly unconstitutional.”)

*Dr. Ben Carson Fauxpologizes For Totally Not Comparing Gays With Child/Animal Rapists (This raging bigot is the “conservative” hero du jour. That really says it all about “conservatives,” I’d say.)

*Fox Interviews Man Who Showed Up At Gun Safety Rally With Loaded Assault Rifle – Doesn’t Mention Or Show Gun

*Without Medicaid Expansion, Poor Americans In The South Are Less Likely To Get Medical Care

*Democrat Eyes Cuccinelli Conflict

*Cuccinelli attacks McAuliffe on out-of-state car business while both attend conference in Charlottesville (So…the leading Virginia Republican now thinks it’s bad to be an entrepreneur? Got it.)

*Virginia jobless rate steady at 5.6 percent in February

*Abortion-rights advocates deliver 3,600 comments on Va. rules

*Lacey Putney’s retirement draws 2 GOP contenders for delegate post

*VDOT hopes resurfacing provides solution for Interstates 64, 264

*2013 Washington Nationals preview: Stephen Strasburg and Bryce Harper are ready to go the distance for a World Series contender

*D.C. area forecast: Saturday nicer than Sunday, but mild air wins through Monday


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