Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, March 27. Also check out the video of Howard Dean last night ripping into “crackpot,” “not a serious person,” “Crazy Ken” Cuccinelli.

*Fox News Contributors Say Marriage Equality Would Criminalize Christianity (This is the same thinking people used to use regarding interracial marriage.)

*Supreme Court considers federal marriage law

*Facebook goes red for same-sex marriage – even for Senator Warner

*On Fox News, Amanda Knox Gets Twice As Much Coverage As Marriage Equality (Faux “News” once again demonstrates that it’s a complete joke.)

*Poll Shows Cuccinelli, McAuliffe Still Tied After Bolling’s Exit (“The Quinnipiac University survey unveiled Wednesday shows Cuccinelli leading his likely Democratic opponent, 40 percent to 38 percent, with 18 percent undecided. In the previous poll, conducted in mid-February, the two were tied at 38 percent apiece.”)

*Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell controls GOP fire (“Late-night amendments didn’t worsen his tepid status”)

*Gov. Bob McDonnell saves controversial bills for last

*Cuccinelli claims credit for road bill he nearly killed (There goes “Crazy Ken” again…)

*Jeff E. Schapiro: GOP tries having it both ways on roads (“Virginia Republicans are having an identity crisis – and just in time for the election.”)

*Group to press McDonnell for executive order restoring voting rights

*The governor tinkers (“McDonnell couldn’t resist the call of the tax protesters in amending the transportation package – but in terms of new revenue, it survives.”)

*Amendments pave way for road-funding program

*Democrats scoff at Cuccinelli claim he helped road bill (And rightly so, as that’s an outright lie.)

*Abortion insurance limit among conservative bills advancing

*Gay rights support from people close to McDonnell, Allen

*New robocall hits Lingamfelter on past donors (“Either somebody out there really dislikes Del. Scott Lingamfelter or they consider him a threat in the Republican nomination contest for lieutenant governor.”)

*Bill signed: Let’s build some roads (Actually, no, the #1 priority is maintaining/repairing the roads and bridges we’ve already got. The #2 priority is building a world-class public transit system, including high-speed rail, in Virginia. Let’s reassess after all that’s done.)

*Disorder  in the court (“Legislators made a mess of judge vacancies. McDonnell has given them a chance to get it right.”)

*Virginia Port Authority will not privatize operations

*More cooler than average weather for midweek


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