Home 2019 Elections McAuliffe Campaign Raises $5.1 Million, 72% Virginians, $100k from Bill Clinton

McAuliffe Campaign Raises $5.1 Million, 72% Virginians, $100k from Bill Clinton


The deadline for 1Q13 Virginian candidates’ fundraising numbers is Monday, so we can expect a deluge of reports and press releases shortly. For now, here’s a preview of what we can expect from Terry McAuliffe’s campaign (numbers below are courtesy of the McAuliffe campaign) later today.

*Total raised: ~$5.1 million

*>3,600 Virginians contributed

*~72% of McAuliffe for Governor donors were Virginians

*~74% of donations were $100 or less

*A particularly notable – and generous – donation came from President Bill Clinton, for $100,000.

These are impressive numbers no matter how you look at them. To give them some context, Bob McDonnell’s campaign for governor raised $2.2 million in 1Q09. Terry McAuliffe’s total for 1Q13 is more than twice that. Also of interest: in 1Q05, Tim Kaine raised $2.6 million for his gubernatorial run, about half of what Terry McAuliffe raised in 1Q13. No, money’s not everything, but I’d remind everyone that both Tim Kaine and Bob McDonnell were elected governor. Just sayin’. 🙂


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