Video, Photos: Big Crowd Turns Out for Mark Warner and Terry McAuliffe in Arlington


    Thanks to Aneesh Chopra for this photo of the scene a few minutes ago at the George Mason University Law School, where Mark Warner and Terry McAuliffe held a standing-room-only rally in front of around 250 people. I’ll have a lot more – video, photos, thoughts on the event – later, but for now I’ll just say I thought it was an excellent event, with strong speeches by both Warner and McAuliffe on how to move Virginia forward. It was also good seeing (and talking to) Senator Mark Herring, Aneesh Chopra, DPVA Chair Charniele Herring, Arlington Sheriff Beth Arthur, Delegates Alfonso Lopez, Bob Brink, Rob Krupicka, David Bulova, and Mark Keam, etc. Note that two of the biggest applause lines for Terry’s speech came at his mentions of: 1) his commitment to expanding Medicaid in Virginia; 2) his support for women’s reproductive freedom; and 3) his pledge to reform the testing requirements currently imposed on Virginia schools. One subject I would have liked to have heard a LOT more talk about was energy; in 2009, Terry talked a great deal about clean, renewable energy, but this time around he’s been a lot quieter on that subject, even as the urgency of moving ahead on that front has only increased over the past four years!  


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