Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, May 20. Also, rest in peace to Rich Savage, a Virginia Democrat who ran for Lt. Governor in 2009 and who sadly committed suicide this past weekend.

*Poll: Obama approval holds steady (Wait, you mean the ginned-up outrage and overhyped “scandals” by Teapublicans aren’t causing President Obama’s support to collapse or anything? Apparently, the American people are a lot smarter than Republicans think they are!)

*Virginia: The Seppuku Convention of 2013

*Virginia G.O.P. Pleases Crowd With Barbs About I.R.S. (Can we say “demagoguery?” Can we say the head of the IRS was a Bush appointee? Whatever, facts be damned, these are Republicans after all!)

*Va. pick bemoaned ‘slavish devotion’

*Virginia GOP nominee compared Planned Parenthood to KKK

*Virginia Republican: ‘Black civil rights leaders’ responsible for ‘genocide’

*The 10 Most Anti-Gay Statements From The Republican Nominee For Lt. Governor Of Virginia

*New Va. GOP Ticket Touring State Monday

*Virginia GOP Candidate Has Questionable Theories on Homosexuality, Planned Parenthood, and the KKK

*Cuccinelli says open gov’t law doesn’t apply to his office (Uhhhhhhhh…)

*Va. GOP candidates campaign together

*Light rail at a crossroads as Virginia Beach nears decision

*Two FBI agents killed in accident off Virginia Beach coast

*Padres trounce Nationals, 13-4 (OK, guys, time to start hitting your stride now!)


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