Ralph Northam for LT. Governor


    I have lived all all my life in Virginia. I am orginally from the Tidewater area, have live in central and northern Virginia, and am now back in Tidewater.

    All my college education was in Virginia-at some very nice schools (thanks former Gov. Baliles).

    I have never missed an election (including primaries) but did not become more involved in supporting Democratic candidates until 1997.

    Since then I have walked, phoned banked, donated some money and lots of time to many candidates-local to statewide to national.

    Also I have attended many different events – Keep the Ban etc but had never seen Mr. Chopra until I attended the candidates forum in Virginia Beach last Thursday.

    All four candidates did a good job that evening and it was great to see such a talented group.

    However, I don’t want a good person to win-I want the best person.

    I think exerpience for the job does matter-it matters to me that both Northam and Herring have served in the General Assembly.

    Here is the biggest reason I will vote for Northam:

    Northam’s fight against the requirement of trans-vaginal ultrasounds for women seeking an abortion;

    I don’t have to take Northam’s word that he will fight for the women of Virginia-I know he already has.

    Both the VEA and NARAL have endorsed Northam (as they did Herring).

    So from the crazy area of SE Virginia-home to Pat Robertson,

    one of the areas that Bob McDonnell is a “native” of,

    here is a chance to turn an area of Virginia

    more blue  (a bit purple) with the election of Dr. Ralph Northam for Lt. Governor!

    All Virginia needs to turn blue, not just the northern part!


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