Ralph Northam Names McEachin Campaign Chairman


    Richmond, VA – Today Ralph Northam’s campaign for Lieutenant Governor announced that state Senator Donald McEachin (D-Henrico) will serve as the campaign’s chairman. McEachin is the chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus and was an early endorser of Northam’s candidacy.

    With the Virginia Senate evenly split –20 Democrats and 20 Republicans–the race for Lieutenant Governor will determine the majority in the next legislative session. Senator McEachin is a veteran of Virginia campaigns. He will serve as a surrogate for Senator Northam and assist with the key components of the campaign.

    “I am proud to have my friend Donald McEachin play such an important role in this campaign. He has been a tremendous leader of our caucus in the Senate and a trusted advisor to me in this race. Together in the Senate we have worked to repeal the intrusive ultrasound mandate, support the bipartisan transportation bill, and to create opportunity for all Virginians. I am lucky to have him be a part of our team and I look forward to continuing our work together,” said state Senator Ralph Northam.

    Senator McEachin said, “I am proud to be a part of this important endeavor. I know that Ralph Northam will continue his strong efforts to ensure that Virginians can get and keep good jobs, that our public schools are top-notch and that our transportation crisis is addressed. Most significantly, Ralph will work across Party lines to create common sense, effective solutions, not be bound by a rigid ideological agenda that is out of step with our Commonwealth. I look forward to working with him in the campaign and in the State Senate in the years ahead.”

    The selection of Donald McEachin highlights the importance of the Richmond area and Northam’s dedication to issues like jobs creation, universal pre-K, and health care.


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