Home 2019 Elections Obenshain Amnesia Alive and Well at Ashby Retirement Community

Obenshain Amnesia Alive and Well at Ashby Retirement Community


From the Democratic Party of Virginia: 

RICHMOND — It's no surprise that Mark Obenshain ducked and dodged his extreme record on women's health today while visiting the Ashby Retirement Community. During his visit a resident asked him about the Personhood Bill he co-sponsored in 2007, Obenshain then failed to answer by stating that his record on women's health has been “grossly mischaracterized.”

Mark Obenshain and Ken Cuccinelli can't run from their attacks on women's health care rights. Whether it's forcing a woman who miscarries to notify the police, co-sponsoring the controversial Personhood bill, or voting for the Transvaginal Ultrasound bill, Obenshain's record on women's health is dangerous for all Virginians. 

Loudoun Times-Mirror reporter Trevor Baratko produced this series of tweets while Obenshain spoke to a large group of seniors.


Trevor W. Baratko  @wineandwriting


Community residents now asking ?s. This was the portion yesterday when Cuccinelli first made the heavily-reported birth control comments.


Trevor W. Baratko  @wineandwriting3m

Wow. Older woman asks Obenshain a/b his '07 personhood bill. He responds “thanks you, Mark.” seemingly referring to opponent @SenMarkHerring

Trevor W. Baratko  @wineandwriting57s

Community residents now asking ?s. This was the portion yesterday when Cuccinelli first made the heavily-reported birth control comments.


– Co-Patroning the “Personhood” Bill With Ken Cuccinelli. Obenshain has repeatedly supported “personhood” legislation that could outlaw all abortion and many common forms of birth control. [HB2797, 2007; HB1, 2012]

Voting For Mandatory Ultrasounds Before Abortions. Obenshain voted for legislation that would require all women receiving an abortion procedure to undergo a mandatory ultrasound [HB462, 2012; SB484, 2012]

 Introducing A Bill That Would Require Women To Report Miscarriages To Police. “Sen. Mark D. Obenshain, R-Harrisonburg, made himself a lightning rod for criticism by introducing a bill that would require a woman to report her miscarriage to police within 24 hours.” [SB 962, 2009; Virginia Lawyers Weekly, 1/28/09]

Voting in favor of the transvaginal ultrasound bill and calling it “common sense legislation. In 2012 Mark Obenshain voted in favor of the transvaginal ultrasound bill and the amended version of the bill. Obenshain referred to the bill as “common sense legislation” and then refered to the amended version of the bill, which changed the law form requiring a transvaginal ultrasound to a transabdominal ultrasound, the “PG version” of the bill. [HB 462, 2012; SB 484, 2012]

Sponsoring a Bill To Outlaw Abortions After Twenty Weeks, Also Known As The Virginia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Or Fetal Pain Act. In February 2012, the Daily Press reported: “Sen. Harry Blevins, R-Chesapeake, abstained Thursday, thereby killing a measure before the Senate Education and Health Committee that would have outlawed elective abortions in Virginia after 20 weeks. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Mark Obenshain, R-Harrisonburg, would have made elective abortions after 20 weeks because he said there is medical evidence that a fetus can feel pain at that point in its gestation. The measure would have allowed abortions after that point if the mother's life or health is threatened.” [Daily Press, 2/2/12; SB 637, 2012] 


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