Home 2019 Elections Senator and “Minister of the Gospel” Donald McEachin Condemns EW Jackson’s Statement

Senator and “Minister of the Gospel” Donald McEachin Condemns EW Jackson’s Statement


The following is a strong statement from Sen. Donald McEachin, unlike most of the other statements I’ve seen, which have generally been weak/mealy mouthed. The reality is that EW Jackson’s “false religion” remarks were egregious, offensive to a large number of Virginians, and unworthy of someone who wants to lead this great, diverse state. They also were a total misreading of the Scriptures, particularly the Gospels, which Jackson claims to have devoted his life to. Meanwhile, where are Mark Obenshain and Ken Cuccinelli in condemning Jackson’s intolerant remarks? Apparently, they agree with Jackson, but also know this stuff is politically harmful, which is why they haven’t said a word. Profiles in…cowardice, certainly not courage.

Saying Non-Christians Are Engaged in “Some Sort of False Religion”

Henrico – Today, State Senator A. Donald McEachin (D-Henrico) issued the following statement in response to E. W. Jackson’s comments that non-Christians are engaging in “some sort of false religion.”

Senator McEachin said, “As a Virginia State senator and as a minister of the Gospel, I was quite dismayed today to read that EW Jackson believe that religions other than Christianity are false religions. Statements such as these are what give Christianity a bad name.

This is not what my Christian faith teaches me. Rather, what the Gospels tells me is that by loving one another, taking care of the poor and the vulnerable, protecting the children and treating one another with kindness and mercy and justice we are acting in the way that Jesus and all major religions command of us. And by doing so, none of us are engaging in a false religion but rather obeying the Words of God as we each hear them and translate them.

“We are fortunate to live in a great and diverse Commonwealth and someone who would exclude some Virginians based on their chosen path to faith does not deserve nor is qualified to be the leader of this great state. We want to be a Commonwealth that is welcoming to all and accepts all people, whatever faith they practice or choose not to practice.

I am very concerned that we did not immediately hear and have yet to hear from E. W. Jackson’s ticketmates on this issue. I am very disappointed that they did not promptly and completely condemn this bigoted talk from Mr. Jackson to let voters know they don’t believe these type of egregious exclusionary statements have any place in political discourse whatsoever.”


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