Home 2019 Elections Video: Cooch Brags About NRA “A” Rating at Virginia Tech. Disgusting.

Video: Cooch Brags About NRA “A” Rating at Virginia Tech. Disgusting.


Over at Think Progress, Josh Israel writes that Cuccinelli Brags About His ‘A’ NRA Rating At Site Of Mass Shooting Where 32 People Were Killed. Watch the video below; it’s truly disgusting, especially when you meet NRA board members like Iran-Contra felon Oliver North, Ted Nugent (one of the most heinous people in America – read his profile), raging homophobe and Islamophobe (among other things) Ken Blackwell, etc, etc. As Republican Joe Scarborough put it, the NRA is “an extremist operation for survivalists and gun manufacturers.” And he’s absolutely right about this group’s leadership (presumably most members aren’t aware of how bad this organization’s become in recent years). Yet THAT is the group Ken Cuccinelli’s bragging about, at Virginia Tech no less?!? Gack.

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