Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few Virginia and national news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, October 27.

*Government shutdown was wake-up call for many young federal workers (“Disillusioned by furloughs and worried about budget cuts and pay freezes, they are being lured away.” Republicans, killing the government… quietly.)

*Exclusive: The feds have made 330,000 Obamacare subsidy calculations

*Attorney general: Herring (The Daily Press says, correctly, that “Mr. Obenshain, generally sticking to the GOP party line, has too often voted against individual freedom and in favor of intrusion in the lives of citizens – such as his votes in favor of a law mandating unnecessary ultrasound procedures for women seeking abortions, and in favor of voter ID laws that seem to be aimed less at detecting fraud than at discouraging voting among demographic groups that tend to lean Democratic.” Go Herring!)

*Attorney general candidate Mark Obenshain carries bulk of GOP’s hopes in Virginia races (Just remember, Obenshain has said repeatedly that Ken Cuccinelli is his MODEL Attorney General. That’s all you really need to know…to vote for Mark Herring, that is!)

*Two Loudoun Mayors, Former Trans. Sec. Back Herring (“The candidate for Virginia Attorney General wins praise for working across the aisle.”)

*National Republican group gives an additional $660K to Obenshain campaign for Virginia AG (It’s amazing, the Republicans are basically abandoning Cuccinelli and Jackson, going all out for Obenshain.)

*Obenshain claim about Herring misleading (“Mostly false.”)

*Cuccinelli Tests Conservatism Va. Governor Race (And it flunks.)

*McAuliffe, Cuccinelli spar over social issues (This campaign really has felt like Groundhog Day for weeks if not months now. We know their positions, we know who these guys are, let’s just vote already!)

*McAuliffe: Bipartisan solutions for state’s economic future

*Probe of gifts leaves McDonnell sidelined in Va. governor’s race (This is “news?” Man, the Post is really hurtin’ today.)

*Terry McAuliffe would struggle to satisfy all of his donors’ desires as Virginia governor (Uhhhh…hello? First of all, every politician has donors with “desires.” Second, that includes Ken Cuccinelli, whose donors include all kinds of unsavory characters like the Koch brothers and Pat Robertson. Third, what is the point of this article? Disappointing.)

*How much did McAuliffe know about annuity investment? (And the answer by the reporter is… absolutely no clue, just pure speculation. Another fine article by the Kaplan/Bezos/Washington Post. Ugh.)

*Endorsements for Northern Virginia’s House of Delegates (Whoops, they admit that they inadvertently forgot to publish their endorsements in two important races. They then proceed to botch one, get one right, again obsessed with the transportation bill. Whatever. This paper has become a complete joke.)

*Video interviews | Hear what the candidates have to say

*Schapiro: McAuliffe tentatively readies for governing

*Candidates for governor share stage in Richmond (“Despite event rules stipulating that each candidate answer the same question without rebuttals, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, Republican Ken Cuccinelli and Libertarian Robert C. Sarvis drew stark contrasts for voters on a wide range of issues as the campaign enters its final stretch.”)

*Hot race for 12th District House of Delegates seat (Go James Harder!)

*Getting ready  for a brilliant future (“One in eight children in the commonwealth isn’t ready to learn upon reaching school age. Early education is helping to improve academic results.”)

*D.C. area forecast: Still sunny, still cool, and still quite nice


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