Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia and national news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, December 26.

*Greenpeace activists issued visas to leave Russia (Great news, except they never should have been seized in the first place.)

*Japan’s Abe Criticized for Visit to Controversial War Shrine (Stupid move, needlessly provocative.)

*Stocks on track for best year since 1997 (Those damn socialists are at it again! LOL)

*Five make-or-break dates for Obama in 2014

*Odd Dominion: A surprise legislative retirement opens up a battlefield (“If [Dick] Black is indeed the nominee [to replace Rep. Frank Wolf], then we feel very comfortable predicting that he will go down in flames, just as his extremist brethren did before him. But if the Virginia GOP finally wises up and decides to allow an actual popular-vote primary? Well then, maybe-just maybe-they might win a truly competitive race for a change.”)

*Coordinate on rising seas (“Norfolk’s efforts to protect itself deserve praise. But no city’s individual approach can deal with an entire ocean. Norfolk cannot undertake such a massive project on its own, nor should it. The nation’s coastal cities must band together to insist they not be left to the elements.”)

*Erosion, rising seas taking bay beaches and marshes

*The right path: Immigration (It’s not often that I agree with the Republican Times-Disgrace editorial board, and I don’t agree in this case that there’s anything wrong with immigrants fighting for their rights in court. However, I DO agree that Virginia should pass legislation ASAP to allow the children of undocumented immigrants to attend college, pay in-state tuition, etc.)

*New leader, same ethical dilemmas (A 10-year-old “scandal” and…not much else here cause a right-wing editorial board to hyperventilate. Yawn.)

*Virginia lawmakers to examine e-cigarette trend

*Virginia Named ‘Worst State to Be a Burglar’

*Could McAuliffe’s success be Warner’s undoing? (Uhhhh…no.)

*Portsmouth sheriff wants new jail before closing current one

*D.C. area forecast: Chill eases today, mild start to weekend but wet finish


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