Anti-Semitic “Joke” Candidate Financed by…Exactly the Type of Right Wingnuts You’d Expect


    Given that Virginia Republican 33rd State Senate district nominee John Whitbeck’s greatest claim to “fame” is telling an anti-Semitic “joke” at a rally for Ken Kookinelli, it shouldn’t be surprising that contributors to his campaign are exactly the type of right wingnuts you’d expect. Check out his just released campaign finance report and see for yourself.

    *$1,000 from State Senator Dick Black, a (seriously) raving madman who has said things like Polygamy “just more natural” than homosexuality and Dick Black on Spousal Rape, “Nighties,” etc., plus let’s not forget his tales of “homosexuals lurking” in the military, etc, etc. Black’s also the guy who compared emergency contraception to a “baby pesticide,” “called abortion in America a ‘Holocaust’ and opposed putting a statue of Abraham Lincoln at a location in Richmond, Virginia that was previously a Confederate site.”

    *$10,000 from crazy, climate-science-denying, LGBT-persecuting Ken Kookinelli. ‘Nuff said on that one.

    *Nearly $50,000 from the extremist “Middle Resolution PAC”, which among other things has pushed for a constitutional amendment that would allow states to repeal any federal law or regulation.

    *$1,500 from Mark “Criminalize Miscarriages” Obenshain.

    *$2,500 from the far-far-far-right-wing “Presidential Coalition (aka, “Citizens United”). For more on this group’s leader, David Bossie, click here (e.g., “In 1997, Bossie was forced to resign his position of chief investigator of the Whitewater inquiry looking into President Clinton’s campaign finances. Bossie was relieved of his duties after it was revealed he edited tapes and transcripts of former U.S. Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell’s telephone calls, leaving out key details. The revised material was then published.”)

    Any further questions on anti-Semitic “joke” guy John Whitbeck? OK, then please do what you can the next few days to help elect Democrat Jennifer Wexton to the State Senate. Thanks!


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