Home 2019 Elections How Far Off the Right-Wing Cliff Has Today’s GOP Gone? John Warner...

How Far Off the Right-Wing Cliff Has Today’s GOP Gone? John Warner Endorses Mark Warner for Senate.


This endorsement says so much, on so many levels, none of it good about today’s extremist, wacked-out Republican Party. It used to be that the GOP was full of reasonable, responsible, serious statesmen like John Warner. Heck, it used to be that the GOP was full of progressives, believe it or not. But today? It’s more like the John Birch Society, combined with the McCarthyites and a heaping helping of Pat Robertson’s wing of the party. In such a GOP, what place does someone like John Warner have? I can’t think of one. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is about as centrist as can be, in agreement on almost every issue with the majority of Americans if you look at the polling. Still, it’s amazing that “John not Mark” is now endorsing Mark over Ed Gillespie. On the other hand, I see that Mark “Criminalize Miscarriages” Obenshain is endorsing Gillespie. Actually, that proves my point perfectly. 🙂


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