Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, March 26.

*Obama to give more health-care sign-up time

*Slippery slopes before the court (“Respecting the religious claims of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood threatens to diminish the rights of their workers.”)

*Justice Kennedy Thinks Hobby Lobby Is An Abortion Case – That’s Bad News For Birth Control (Huge reason why Dems need to keep winning the White House: the right-wingnut Supreme Court!)

*Silver Speaks. Democrats Despair. (Democrats really need to chill out on this one and stop acting like non-reality-based Teapublicans!)

*McDonnell attorneys ask judge to try former Va. governor, wife separately

*Poll: Va. voters ‘cautiously optimistic’ about McAuliffe

*House approves own budget plan, then recesses (Smooooth.)

*Virginia state lawmakers locked over budget, again

*Schapiro: “Two Years” sent shiver through House GOP

*Republican lawmakers criticize McAuliffe budget, Senate Democrats (Charming.)

*Compromise needed, not childhood tantrums

*Government withholds report on Deeds case

*Virginia AG defends use of solitary on death row (Not sure how solitary is ever defensible…)

*Key to downtown: Get out of the way

*Stamos to represent recall against Delgaudio

*Arlington residents ask for more spending at hearing (Gotta love it, people want more spending but don’t want to pay for it. Ugh.)

*Virginia girl not feminine enough for Christian school (WTF?!?)

*Welcome to one last freezing day – the coldest one you’ll see for a while


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