Home Virginia Politics Video: Alexandria Democratic Committee JJ Dinner 2014

Video: Alexandria Democratic Committee JJ Dinner 2014


I just got back a few minutes ago from the 2014 Alexandria Democratic Committee Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. The dinner was largely a tribute to Rep. Jim Moran, who has served the city of Alexandria in various capacities (e.g., Mayor, Congressman) for more than three decades. Speakers tonight included Sen. Mark Warner, Rep. Gerry Connolly and former Rep. Tom Davis (R). No sign of Rep .Frank Wolf, but there was a tribute to Jim Moran in the program from Rep. Scott Rigell. I’ll post more video tomorrow when it’s uploaded to YouTube, but for now, here’s a brief video of Ben Tribbett in his new white suit, along with the 8th CD Democratic he’s working for, Patrick Hope. Enjoy! 🙂  Oh, and thanks to Boyd Walker for inviting me to sit at his table.


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