My friends,
First, let me offer my sincere congratulations to Dave Brat for his stunning upset victory in Virginia's 7th Congressional District.
The season of Republican Primaries and Conventions in Virginia is now over. We have a slate of exceptional candidates who will take the fight to President Obama and his allies over the next five months. We must not allow the other side to define our candidates or the narrative. Nor must we allow bitterness over the outcome to divide Republicans. We can beat Mark Warner and in so doing retire Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader.
On Saturday at the Virginia Republican Convention, I had the pleasure of introducing and endorsing my friend Shak Hill. Shak fell short, and Ed Gillespie carried the day.
Just as I supported George Allen after losing the Republican nomination to him for U.S. Senate in 2012, I am on board with Ed Gillespie. I endorse Ed Gillespie for Senate and urge every Republican to give him your support.
We need that Senate seat, and Ed Gillespie carries our banner. Let's get him elected. And then as we should with all elected officials, let's hold him accountable to do what the promises. Kicking Mark Warner out of the Senate and Harry Reid out of the Majority Leader's office is a delicious thought and it ought to motivate every Republican. It certainly does me.
A win for Ed will almost certainly flip the Senate and end the long nightmare of Harry Reid carrying President Obama's water.
I also endorse our other recent Congressional nominees: Micah Edmond in the 8th, Barbara Comstock in the 10th, and Suzanne Scholte in the 11th. Although like me, you may have supported another candidate during the Conventions and Primaries, it is time to unify.
In a fair contest, the nominees will not always be who you want, but as a member of the Republican Party, we should respect the process. In my view, those who don't, should leave the party or be put out, no matter who they are or what office they hold. If we devour each other, we will not win.
The other side has already begun their attacks on Ed. The attacks on Dave, Micah, Barbara, Suzanne, and our other nominees will begin soon if they have not already. Democrats and the liberal media should not get help from Republicans.
Everyday there is a new crisis precipitated by this administration. The country needs a Republican majority in the Senate and the House to stop the abuse of Executive power and the destructive policies of this administration. I look forward to a victory for Ed Gillespie, Dave Brat, Micah Edmond, Barbara Comstock, Suzanne Scholte, and our other nominees across the country in November!
May God bless the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States of America.
For God & Country,

E.W. Jackson |