Home 2019 Elections Video: This Extremist is a Barbara Comstock Endorser. And No, She’s Not...

Video: This Extremist is a Barbara Comstock Endorser. And No, She’s Not a “Moderate” in Any Way.


For more of Mark Levin’s insanity (e.g., that the GOP is filled with “cockroaches” who aren’t conservative enough; that the National Organization for Women is actually “the National Organization of Ugly Women”; that there really are “death panels” in Obamacare; that clean air and clean water mean “poverty;” etc.) see here. Also see Barbara Comstock touting this nut’s endorsement below. Bottom line: Comstock’s not a “moderate,” as she’s no doubt like people to believe, in an way, shape or form. And she’ll prove it if she gets elected to Congress on November 4. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen!


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