Are you listening, Gov McAuliffe?


    Sunday’s WashPost carries an article by Ruth Marcus in which she describes the case of Reginald Latson, a low-IQ, autistic young man from Stafford County.  Four years ago, he was standing at the front door of a public library, waiting for the library to open — wearing a hoodie.  Someone called the cops and reported a suspicious person, cops responded, Latson’s autism kicked in and now he’s in jail, in solitary.  (Of course he’s black.)

    Read the full article:…

    Federal funding is available to move him into a Florida facility that can handle cases like this, but, to date, he’s stuck in solitary here in Virginia.

    His attorneys have appealed to Gov. McAuliffe, who seems to be deaf to the case.

    Time for a letter-writing and telephone campaign.  

    We Democrats claim that our governor and attorney general are better people than Governor Rolex and The Cooch — time to prove it.


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