Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, January 27.

*How Winter Snow Leads To A Blizzard Of Climate Denial

*Netanyahu to American Jews: Get Lost (“By accepting Speaker Boehner’s invitation to address Congress, the Israeli leader has chosen to side with political forces opposed by many US Jews.” Yep, that’s what he’s basically saying to people like me.)

*Netanyahu’s contempt (“His actions could harm support for Israel.” Agreed. I’ve been pro-Israel my whole life, but the right wing in Israel, particularly its alliance with the far right in this country, is REALLY putting a strain on my support…)

*Koch-backed network aims to spend nearly $1 billion on 2016 elections (So much for “democracy.” Thanks a LOT Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Kennedy!)

*Senate’s swing-state Republicans break ranks (“2016 electoral map complicates life for new Senate majority.”)

*Morning Joe Hosts Receive Special Invite To Closed Koch Event, Lavish Koch Brothers With Praise (That really says it all. Utterly corrupt.)

*Senate panel votes to end sexual orientation workplace discrimination (“A Virginia Senate committee voted Monday to prohibit discrimination in public employment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”)

*With confusion, Senate kills McAuliffe gun bills (We need to take back the Senate. End of story.)

*Court says Bob McDonnell will be free during appeal (“A federal appeals court has approved the former Virginia governor’s request to remain free while he appeals his corruption convictions. A hearing is set for May 12.”)

*White House to propose opening waters off Atlantic coast to drilling (Huge mistake if they do that.)

*Virginia lawmakers are rushing too fast to change the law on college sexual assault

*Virginia Senate approves measure allowing 2-term governor (“Sen. Thomas Garrett, R-Lynchburg argued that voters should have a chance to re-elect the governor, no matter who it is. Garrett’s measure was approved 24-15.”)

*John Guevara, Candidate for Sully District Supervisor (This is getting more fun as a Tea Partier enters the race…)

*Virginia Senate committee defeats gun control proposals (“The Republican-led committee rejected Democratic gun control bills that included restoring a state law requiring criminal background checks on private sales at gun shows.”)

*Searching for ways to prevent drug deaths (“Heroin, increasingly a drug of choice for young people, killed 213 people in Virginia in 2013. Prescription drug overdoses caused 468 more deaths that year. Three bills before the General Assembly offer worthwhile tools to keep more people safe and hold dealers accountable when their drugs lead to death.”)

*Morning snow showers, blustery today; Sunshine returns Wednesday


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