Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, March 31.

*Ind. to ‘clarify’ new law decried as anti-gay (How about repealing it?)

*Poll: Majority of Americans back nuclear deal with Iran

*Eroding Freedom in the Name of Freedom (“Indiana already had strong constitutional protections for religious belief and that the new law seemed to result more from fear of same-sex marriage than from any demonstrated need.”)

*Toughest Issues in Iran Nuclear Talks May Be Deferred (“As a deadline neared, negotiators appeared to move closer to a preliminary political accord to limit Tehran’s nuclear program, but several of the most difficult issues could be deferred for a final agreement in three months.”)

*Editorial: ABC agents drunk with power?

*McAuliffe invites Indiana firms to ‘open and welcoming’ Virginia (Of course, we do still have the Marshall-Newman amendment in our constitution, not to mention mandatory ultrasounds and other idiocies…)

*Town: Rising legislative tide (“The Clean Power Plan and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative are right for Virginia. It’s time to move toward a clean energy economy and away from the carbon-intensive energy policy responsible for endangering our coastal communities.”)

*Jewish group presses Virginia bar to reverse decision to drop Israel trip (“Jewish legislators blast Virginia State Bar for ‘disparaging’ language toward Israel.”)

*Cook: Virginians deserve stronger protection from toxic chemicals

*Virginia officials have a chance to add teeth to ethics reform legislation (The problem is, corrupt politicians like Tommy Norment and Dick Saslaw don’t want to do that.)

*Supreme Court remands in 3rd District gerrymander case (“The U.S. Supreme Court sent Virginia’s 3rd District gerrymander case back down the pipe on Monday, a move that brings Virginia another step closer to a redraw of its congressional map.”)

*Virginia Tech raises tuition, prepares for larger freshman class

*PolitiFact: Dave Brat gets mostly false on claim about Obama red tape (Just about everything Brat says is mostly or totally false.)

*McAuliffe signs bill allowing schools to sell doughnuts (Homer Simpson is happy today! LOL)

*Va. school board prevents trans student from using girls’ restroom (Good for the Washington Blade for picking up this story!)

*Amherst Co. attorney seeks to block Sweet Briar College closure

*Newport News to challenge Virginia Living Museum in fundraising

*Local group to study unexplained child deaths in Hampton Roads

*Portsmouth council to consider 17-cent tax hike

*Mostly sunny and warm today, but cooler tonight with rain likely


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