Home Virginia Politics National and Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

National and Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, July 29. Also, interesting infographic from ThinkProgress on Democratic 2016 presidential candidates’ climate plans. So far, at least, it looks like Martin O’Malley is in the lead…

*As the world mourned Cecil the lion, five of Kenya’s endangered elephants were slain (This s*** needs to end. Now.)

*It’s worse than Walter Palmer and Cecil the Lion: Inside the sick, bizarre world of trophy hunting (These people are all criminals and psycopaths; the U.S. government needs to crack down hard!)

*Conservative Media Use Cecil The Lion’s Death To Attack Planned Parenthood (Speaking of psycopaths…)

*Campus officer charged in death of unarmed man (It’s about time!)

*The Sam Dubose Police Report Is Full of Falsehoods From Ray Tensing’s Fellow Officers (Those “fellow officers” need to be fired and/or charged with crimes as well.)

*Clinton attacks the GOP on climate change. But her plan has a glaring gap. (I agree that putting a price on carbon pollution is crucial.)

*How will presidential candidates piece together a win in Virginia? (“They will need to build a coalition from seven distinct voter groups.”)

*Trump leads Republican presidential race with 25 percent: Reuters/Ipsos poll (Political pundits wrong yet again. As for the people who support Trump…ee gads.)


Businesses fume as Congress lets Export-Import Bank stay dead
(“”We’re at a loss how Congress can literally go on vacation and just say, ‘Good luck, guys.'” For starters, it’s not “Congress” generically, it’s specifically Tea Party Republicans, some of whom I bet those same businesses gave money to!)

*Possible MH370 Debris Found in the Indian Ocean

*You vote, but plutocrats decide: The real story about the GOP primary that even the liberal media won’t tell you (“Campaign journalism isn’t just the worst — horserace nonsense actively obscures how the rich bought the system”)

*Natural gas pipeline discussion considers combining routes

*McAuliffe pushes back on GOP calls for Planned Parenthood investigation

*Clinton donors also pumped millions into McAuliffe’s coffers (Not surprising.)

*Editor who oversaw Rolling Stone’s U-Va. rape story to step down

*Former University of Virginia Fraternity Members Sue Rolling Stone

*Jim Gilmore officially files for presidential run (He must need money or something.)

*Portsmouth and its contempt for citizens

*Bernie Sanders supporters come together in Roanoke

*McAuliffe PAC returns $25K donation to Houston oil firm

*Virginia Gov. McAuliffe stands by Maryland blue crabs comment

*Justice Dept. looking into treatment of deaf inmates in Arlington jail

*Wind turbine company seeks Botetourt County’s approval for test towers

*With roster evolving around him, Bryce Harper homers twice to lead Nationals past Marlins

*D.C. area forecast: Steamy morning leads to stormy afternoon; weekend hot but dry


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