Video: Janet Oleszek Says John Cook is “Passionate About UNDERFunding Education”


    The headline refers to a great line by Janet Oleszek at a fundraiser last night in McLean (see video below), regarding just one of the reasons why current Fairfax County (Braddock District) Supervisor John Cook (R) needs to be shown the exit door this November. Janet added that John Cook is a seriously “flawed public official” who, “time and again…has benefited personally…by taking cases in which he has a clear conflict of interest…This is unacceptable for a public servant and I will introduce ethics legislation at once to ban this practice.” Finally, Janet noted that John Cook had done a poll to find out if voters wanted their Supervisor to work with the School Board or “act as a check on it.” Need any more reasons to vote John Cook out of office this November? Go Janet! 🙂

    P.S. For video of Tim Kaine speaking last night, click here.


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