Which Virginia House Dems are Raising the Most/Least, Giving the Most/Least to the Caucus?


    I’ve been looking at the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP), which earlier this week put up “value-added information from the Sept. 15 campaign finance reports filed by candidates for the General Assembly and for local office in 27 cities and counties.” One caveat: there are a lot of apples, oranges, lemons, limes, etc. in here. In other words, these numbers are very hard to compare, since almost every case is unique in some way. For instance, some politicians are in competitive races, some are not; some are from wealthier districts, some are from poorer ones; some are in leadership, some are not; some are on committees like appropriations and commerce so SHOULD raise more money, ceteris parabis; PACs don’t report at the same time as individuals; etc. Even with all those mind-numbing, eye-glazing caveats, I did find some interesting information, for instance on which House Democrats are raising the most/least and giving the most/least to the House Democratic Caucus.


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