Home Virginia Politics Sunday News: Treat Guns Like Cars; Biden to Decide on Presidential Run...

Sunday News: Treat Guns Like Cars; Biden to Decide on Presidential Run This Week?


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, October 4. Also see Hillary Clinton as a bartender giving herself a pep talk on Saturday Night Live.

*Nicholas Kristof: A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths (“Actually, cars exemplify the public health approach we need to apply to guns. We don’t ban cars, but we do require driver’s licenses, seatbelts, airbags, padded dashboards, safety glass and collapsible steering columns. And we’ve reduced the auto fatality rate by 95 percent.”)

*Don’t Be Surprised That Kim Davis’ Pope Visit Was Overblown (“When You’re Dealing With A Hate Group, Dishonesty Is Par For The Course” Yep, Kim Davis and Company lied through their teeth.)

*Oregon Gunman’s Father Dismayed by Lack of Gun Limits

*Airstrike Hits Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan (Ee gads.)

*Joe Biden could decide presidential run in the next week

*Secrets of the GOP science war: How spin-masters and pundits confuse conservatives about facts (“Conservatives have become much less trusting of science. A cynical right-wing campaign is behind that.” An assault on knowledge and reason itself.)

*Schapiro: The Republican Terry McAuliffe (“A Northam-Gillespie matchup would be about old Virginia and new Virginia.”)

*Cuccinelli may try again for governor, or he may not (We can only hope! LOL)

*Gillespie faces GOP skeptics in governor bid (“Some conservatives say he’s the wrong choice in the era of Trump and Cruz.”)

*Gecker, Sturtevant trade barbs in pivotal Senate race

*Jamycheal Mitchell’s ghastly death

*Gecker, Sturtevant trade barbs in pivotal Senate race (Republican Glen Sturtevant “has cast himself as a moderate Republican in Watkins’ mold, but he also has adopted the positions of Middle Resolution in opposition to Medicaid expansion and in favor of education savings accounts that would give state education money to the parents of children with disabilities that they could use for private school tuition.”)

*At Virginia gun show, pushing back against blame (“Some gun owners say the fault of mass shootings lies with the mental health system – and the media.” As always, that doesn’t explain why other countries – Canada, the UK, Australia, etc. – don’t have these mass shootings. Hmmm…gee, what could the difference POSSIBLY be?!?)

*Prince William County explores Metro expansion. Metro says: Not so fast. (Yeah, that could be decades from now, given the current state of Metro.)

*Senate candidates see chance to raise region’s profile (“Southwest Virginia has lost voting power in Richmond as population patterns have shifted.”)

*Is Virginia trying to make it more difficult to carpool?

*Nationals’ Scherzer tosses his second no-hitter of the season (“Washington’s ace struck out 17 Mets to become the first major league pitcher since 1973 to throw a pair of no-hitters in the same regular season.”)

*After a Respite From Rain, Sunday to Bring Major Flooding

*D.C. area forecast: Sunday still swampy and breezy, brighter days ahead (“The drizzly and dreary trend continues today, then drier air takes over tomorrow with a beautiful midweek ahead.”)


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