From Marj Signer
A team of Virginia Democratic women from throughout the Commonwealth has launched Virginia Women For Hillary. It’s a volunteer program to introduce women – Democratic, Republican, independent – to the Hillary Clinton we know and admire.
As a starter, Democratic volunteer leaders, elected officials and others have been contacted. Today, the Virginia Democratic Women’s Caucus sent out an eblast to its email list. We’re asking people to do three things at this point:
1 Get On Board:
Join our Facebook page:
Not on Facebook? Send us an email at
Follow us on Twitter: @VAWomen4Hillary
2 Share Hillary’s story and help other women share their own stories:
Learn more of Hillary’s story on our Facebook page and website
Share your thoughts, hopes, questions online – in words, film, or art
Reach out to women who have questions, ask them to coffee
Continue the conversation
3 Encourage your friends
Recruit three others to do the same
Help the campaign phone bank, canvass, and register voters
The initial response has been strong. We predict it’ll be even stronger once our convention is under way, our website is up, and we begin house parties.
Information: Marj Signer,