I really liked this snarky post by my friend Keith on Facebook, thought I’d share:
Dear People of the USA!
Please vote for Donald Trump! Don’t get distracted by that bad video from yesterday.
If you elect Trump, I promise you: we will have much better video quality at the bunga bunga parties Donald, Vladimir and I will have in the White House. It will be HUGE!
You need to make America safe again. Safe for sleazy, slimy successful old businessmen like me who like hitting on, buying, insulting and otherwise demeaning women.
From one scumbag billionaire to another: I’ve got your back (or at least Melania’s…), Donald!
I am Silvio Berlusconi, billionaire, serial philanderer convicted of tax evasion and prostitution, fellow BFV (best friend of Vladimir) and former leader of Italy. And I have always approved this message.