Home Daily News Clips TRUMPTANIC Sinking in VA-7…Brat at Helm…Pence Lifeboat Sent in with…Pizzas?

TRUMPTANIC Sinking in VA-7…Brat at Helm…Pence Lifeboat Sent in with…Pizzas?


pence-6-pizza“Mike made an unannounced trip to Central Virginia today… All to see Dave Brat, rally supporters at Brat’s campaign office,” so reported NBC 12’s Mike Valerio on Twitter.pence_visit

Anyone catch a whiff of desperation mingled with the heady scents of mozzarella and

Do these guys look sweaty? I think they look sweaty.

pepperoni?  For the Republican Party to send their VP candidate to a Congressman’s suburban campaign office in a blue state (at the presidential level) – THREE DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION –  has got to mean they’ve done polling that shows they’re in troubled waters in thapence-2t district.

But you know what, Mike Pence?  You need to kiss Dave Brat goodbye, because voters in Virginia are not going to save him.  The Brat and the Trumptanic are headed for a Big Blue Wave (yuuuge!) here in Virginia, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.  And do you know why?  Virginians don’t want what you’re dishing out, not even if it comes with all the fixings.

And you must have polling that shows exactly that or you wouldn’t have made the pizza run.  You must have polling that shows what the Democratic Party saw when it opened its purse-strings to support Eileen Bedell.  She’s smart, she’s got a good heart, and she will search for pragmatic solutions to our real and pressing problems.  In other words, SHE is a WINNER.

Eileen Bedell flanked by Anne Holton and Tim Kaine.

Gentle Readers:  to help boot the Brat from Congress, please take the time to learn more about Eileen or to contribute to her campaign by clicking below.  You will not regret it.











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