Home Virginia Politics Video: “Sideshow Bob” Marshall Lectures VA House of Delegates on “Public Health...

Video: “Sideshow Bob” Marshall Lectures VA House of Delegates on “Public Health Hazard” of Porn


Lots o’ laughter yesterday (see video below) in the Virginia House of Delegates as our old friend, Del. “Sideshow Bob” Marshall cites study after study – and apparently would have gone on for hours if he had his druthers – about the horrors of watching pornography. Also note the uproarious laughter at the end, as Del. Paul Krizek (D-Mt. Vernon) urges a no vote, arguing that his constituents don’t have this problem. LOL Meanwhile, on his Facebook page, Del. Krizek wrote last night (presumably while NOT watching porn – heh) “I was one of the 8 who voted no. What a waste of time, all so Del. Bob Marshall can say he’s tough on porn. Gimme a break.” Finally, check out Michael Pope’s story here, in which Del. Krizek says: “It’s just the dumbest thing, and people are afraid. Look, the reason it was 91 to 8 is because nobody wants to run against somebody else who puts in their brochure oh you’re for pornography.” Gotta love how in this country, politicians are afraid of being attacked for being “for pornography,” but many politicians are NOT afraid of being attacked for climate science denial, unrestricted access to guns/switchblades/etc., trashing our environment, telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies, restricting where transgender kids can pee, etc. Speaking of “public health hazards”…


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