Home 2019 Elections Video: Perriello Predicts Dems Could Have Great Year in Virginia 2017, Particularly...

Video: Perriello Predicts Dems Could Have Great Year in Virginia 2017, Particularly if Gillespie is GOP Nominee


Excellent extended riff by Tom Perriello earlier today in Richmond in response to a question on pushing progressive values in Virginia despite having a Republican legislature:

“First of all, I believe that this is a year in Virginia politics that we’ve never seen, where all of the intensity is on one side of the equation…the progressive side…I’m not seeing Trump supporters right now beating their chests in excitement about the job he’s doing…I can tell you we are going to compete in delegate races that have not seen Democrats compete in a very long time…The other thing I plan to do in this race is I want to go win a bunch of votes in some of the red counties…We are going to go after those voters, and we are particularly going to do it if Ed Gillespie is the Republican nominee, because Ed Gillespie is everything Trump voters hate about their own party. I mean, if you wanted to get the face of the corporate sellout of the white working class, you could not find a better face than Ed Gillespie…This is the race we want, and in this race I don’t know where those [Trump] voters are going to come down…”


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