Delegate-elect Danica Roem nails it in this tweetstorm about why Virginia Republicans got their clocks cleaned on November 7. The only other thing I’d add is the Trump effect, but that ties in with a lot of what Danica talks about – racism, xenophobia, demagoguery – so it makes a lot of sense. Anyway, enjoy! (note: bolding added by me for emphasis)
Since the election, I’ve repeatedly heard these Republican talking points about why they lost, basically making Democratic voters out to be too dumb to vote Republican and caring too much about identity politics. At risk of giving them good ideas, let me break this down. /1
1) I spent 10 months detailing my plan to fix #Route28: how much it would cost ($300M), how to pay for it (reallocating 28-66 funds), what it would look like (replace traffic lights with overpasses) & how I would get it done (local+state). Y’all hit me on “transgenderism.” /2
2) At the state level, y’all made a pediatrician who volunteers at a children’s hospice out to be a member of MS-13 and campaigned throughout the state on Confederate statues and fiscally reckless tax cuts your own state senators called BS. And you wonder why you lost? /3
3) Here in Manassas, @carterforva and I talked relentlessly about jobs. Roads. Schools. Health care. Equality. I know this because Lee and I saw each other on the stump constantly. And y’all went after us for and “teaching transgenderism to kindergartners” and “socialism.” /4
4) When you spend an entire year just trying to make people afraid of people in their community and you apply this asinine labels as if you’re trying to make people afraid of an ideology or an idea, then you’re neglecting the very basics of governing to divide our communities. /5