Home Energy and Environment “Water Is Life” Rally, Concert Opposing Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Fracked...

“Water Is Life” Rally, Concert Opposing Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Fracked Gas Pipelines 12/2 in Richmond


Glad to see the Virginia Sierra Club getting more involved in the fight against these destructive pipelines…

The Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley fracked gas pipelines are two of the most environmentally damaging projects in the history of the Commonwealth and the fight to stop them is heating up!

Attend the Water is Life Rally and Concert to voice your opposition to these pipelines on Saturday, December 2. Help surround the Capitol Grounds from 1-2 pm to send a strong message to our public officials: It’s time to protect our water and reject these dangerous fracked-gas pipelines. Then join us for food, fun, and music at The National.

WHAT: Water is Life Rally and Concert

WHEN: Saturday, December 2 from 1 to 4:30 p.m.

WHERE: Virginia State Capitol – 1000 Bank St, Richmond, VA 23218 [MAP]

RSVP: http://sc.org/2hzTFKK

QUESTIONS? Contact Kirk.Bowers@sierraclub.org.

During the rally we will stand hand-in-hand in a massive, unbroken human chain around the Capitol to say NO to the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines. This encirclement will be the first protest of its kind in Virginia’s history. After the rally, there will be a concert — featuring local musicians, speakers, and more — just a couple of blocks away at The National.

People just like you have been speaking out about the disastrous impacts of these pipeline projects for nearly 3 years now, and you’ve made a difference. Your voice and presence are absolutely critical to this fight.

The Water is Life Rally and Concert on 12/2 and the public hearings the following weeks represent the last political chance we have as Virginians to stop these fracked-gas pipelines. It’s all hands on deck. Will you be there? Let us know.

Yours in fighting these pipelines,

Kirk Bowers
Sierra Club Virginia Chapter


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