Home Virginia 2018 Virginia House of Delegates Committee Assignments: Mostly 12 Republicans-10 Democrats, Despite...

2018 Virginia House of Delegates Committee Assignments: Mostly 12 Republicans-10 Democrats, Despite 51-49 Overall Partisan Breakdown


Virginia House of Delegates committee assignments are now online. As you can see, most of the committees are divided 12 Republicans (red) to 10 Democrats (blue), with the exception of 10 Republicans to 8 Democrats on Courts of Justice and 11 Republicans to 6 Democrats on Rules. So…yeah, a 51-49 division of the House of Delegates results in a 2-seat edge (or more) for the majority party on committees, as opposed to – let’s say – alternating 12-10 and 11-11 or something. Seems crazy and unfair to me, but that’s the Virginia House of Delegates for you! On the other hand, at least Republicans didn’t try to ram through some sort of egregious domination of committees, perhaps 15-7 or something. So there is that…

Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources: Marshall (Chairman), Poindexter (Vice Chairman), Ware, Wright, Orrock, Knight, Edmunds, Wilt, Morefield, Ransone, Fariss, Bloxom, Ken Plum, David Bulova, Matthew James, Luke Torian, Mark Keam, Alfonso Lopez, Rip Sullivan, Dawn Adams (of Richmond City), Wendy Gooditis, Debra Rodman.
Appropriations: Jones (of Suffolk) (Chairman), Landes (Vice Chairman), Ingram, Poindexter, Peace, Knight, Garrett, Stolle, Rush, Robinson, Head, Pillion, Luke Torian, Mark Sickles, Matthew James, Betsy Carr, Delores McQuinn, Lashresce Aird, Roslyn Tyler, Paul Krizek, John Bell (of Loudoun), Cliff Hayes.
Commerce and Labor: Kilgore (Chairman), Byron (Vice Chairman), Ware, Hugo, Marshall, Cline, Bell (of Albemarle), Habeeb, O’Quinn, Yancey, Ransone, Webert, Jeion Ward, Mark Keam, Eileen Filler-Corn, Kay Kory, Joe Lindsey, Lamont Bagby, David Toscano, Steve Heretick, Mike Mullin, Jeff Bourne.
Counties, Cities and Towns: Ingram (Chairman), Stolle (Vice Chairman), Marshall, Poindexter, Morefield, Wilt, Hodges, Webert, Austin, Campbell, McGuire, Thomas, Charniele Herring, Steve Heretick, Jennifer Boysko, John Bell (of Loudoun), Paul Krizek, Mike Mullin, Cliff Hayes, Elizabeth Guzman, David Reid, Danica Roem.
Courts of Justice: Bell (of Albemarle) (Chairman), Habeeb (Vice Chairman), Kilgore, Cline, Gilbert, Leftwich, Adams (of Pittsylvania), Campbell, Collins, Miyares, Vivian Watts, David Toscano, Charniele Herring, Patrick Hope, Mike Mullin, Jeff Bourne, Marcus Simon, Jennifer Carroll Foy.
Education: Landes (Chairman), Bell (of Staunton) (Vice Chairman), Cole, Pogge, Robinson, Yancey, Davis, Leftwich, LaRock, Helsel, Collins, McGuire, Roslyn Tyler, David Bulova, Mark Keam, Lamont Bagby, Jeff Bourne, Jennifer Boysko, Chris Hurst, Schuyler VanValkenburg, Cheryl Turpin, Debra Rodman.
Finance: Ware (Chairman), Pogge (Vice Chairman), Orrock, Byron, Cole, Hugo, Cline, Fariss, Fowler, Bloxom, Freitas, Brewer, Vivian Watts, Mark Keam, Filler-Corn, Kaye Kory, Rip Sullivan, Steve Heretick, Joe Lindsey, Hala Ayala, Jay Jones (of Norfolk), Lee Carter.
General Laws: Peace (Chairman), Gilbert (Vice Chairman), Wright, Knight, Helsel, Hodges, Bell (of Staunton), Leftwich, Morefield, Davis, Fowler, Miyares, Ward, David Bulova, Betsy Carr, Luke Torian, Delores McQuinn, Lashresce Aird, Patrick Hope, Kathleen Murphy, Cia Price, Jay Jones (of Norfolk).
Health, Welfare and Institutions: Orrock (Chairman), Garrett (Vice Chairman), Bell (of Albemarle), Peace, Pogge, Bell (of Staunton), Stolle, Helsel, Hodges, Edmunds, Head, Campbell, Mark Sickles, Patrick Hope, Matthew James, Mark Levine, Cia Price, Lashresce Lashresce Aird, Cliff Hayes, Sam Rasoul, Karrie Delaney, Debra Rodman.
Militia, Police and Public Safety:  Cline (Chairman), Wright (Vice Chairman), Morefield, Edmunds, Wilt, Webert, Fariss, O’Quinn, Head, Rush, Freitas, Brewer, Roslyn Tyler, Kaye Kory, Alfonso Lopez, Marcus Simon, Sam Rasoul, John Bell (of Loudoun), Mark Levine, Dawn Adams (of Richmond City), Lee Carter, Jennifer Carroll Foy.
Privileges and Elections: Cole (Chairman), Ransone (Vice Chairman), Ingram, Jones (of Suffolk), Landes, Hugo, O’Quinn, Rush, Fowler, Adams (of Pittsylvania), Habeeb, Leftwich, Mark Sickles, Sam Rasoul, Joe Lindsey, Cia Price, Jennifer Boysko, VanValkenburg, Elizabeth Guzman, Cheryl Turpin, Kathy Tran, Kelly Convirs-Fowler.
Rules: Cox (Chairman), Gilbert (Vice Chairman), Landes, Kilgore, Ware, Jones (of Suffolk), Orrock, Knight, Ingram, Habeeb, Austin, Ken Plum, David Toscano, Betsy Carr, Jeion Ward, Luke Torian, Lamont Bagby.
Science and Technology: Robinson (Chairman), Adams (of Pittsylvania) (Vice Chairman), Byron, LaRock, Pillion, Campbell, Freitas, Peace, Head, Brewer, McGuire, Thomas, Vivian Watts, Ken Plum, Alfonso Lopez, Marcus Simon, Chris Hurst, Hala Ayala, Wendy Gooditis, Kathy Tran, Kelly Convirs-Fowler, Danica Roem.
Transportation: Yancey (Chairman), Hugo (Vice Chairman), Garrett, Davis, Austin, LaRock, Pillion, Adams (of Pittsylvania), Collins, Bloxom, Miyares, Thomas, Ward, Delores McQuinn, Betsy Carr, Eileen Filler-Corn, Ken Plum, Lamont Bagby, Kathleen Murphy, Jones (of Norfolk), Karrie Delaney, David Reid.


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