Home Democratic Party Fairfax Democrats’ Reorganization Meeting This Tuesday Evening; Statements by Candidates for Recording...

Fairfax Democrats’ Reorganization Meeting This Tuesday Evening; Statements by Candidates for Recording Secretary


The following statements are from Sean Perryman and Cathy Gruber, both of whom are running for Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) Recording Secretary. Note that the FCDC’s reorganization meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm — check-in begins at 7 pm.  May the best candidate(s) win!  

My name is Sean Perryman and I’m running for FCDC Recording Secretary.  Although I announced I was running in November, I made the decision to run in September.

Since that time, I have worked with the entire Stronger Tomorrow team to meet and speak with as many members of the Fairfax Dems as possible.  It was important to us that we shared our vision with the members of the committee and earn your votes.

I believe I’m qualified for the position of Recording Secretary.  As an attorney on the Democratic Staff of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, I can tell you that accurate record keeping is critical for an organization.   Throughout my career, I have expected accurate record keeping from my colleagues and myself because discussion, planning, execution, and responsibility are contained within the records we keep.  I also care deeply about transparency and accountability.  I will bring that same commitment and attention to detail to FCDC.

If elected Recording Secretary, I will work towards creating a secure method for members to access minutes online.  I will also expand the role to include outreach.  It’s essential that we work to keep Democrats and grassroots organizations informed about all the outstanding work that FCDC does.

Finally, I’m someone who realizes that being a member of the Steering Committee encompasses more than just the role you’re elected to do.  In a volunteer organization, it’s important to have volunteers that will work hard and do whatever is asked of them.  I’ll do just that.  I’ll serve as a passionate, hardworking, progressive voice on the committee.

I hope I have your vote on January 9th at Woodson High School at 7:00 pm.  See you there!


I’m Cathy Gruber, and I’m running for Recording Secretary for the Fairfax County Democratic Committee. I have proven, relevant experience to be FCDC’s Recording Secretary for the next two years. I am more than qualified for this position—both as a Managing Editor of the National Academy of Sciences and my experience as a Recording Secretary for two organizations for a total of 4+ years. Find out more at https://cathygruber3.wordpress.com/ and Like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CathyGruberforSecretary/.

As a resident of Fairfax County for 20 years and the mother of triplet daughters in college, I’m gravely concerned about the future of this country under Trump. My transformation from life-long voter to active Democrat began during the 2016 election. Despite the commonwealth’s win for Hillary Clinton, the Trump-Pence campaign prevailed, shaking us all to the core. Just as real change on issues such as equality and equity, criminal justice, Medicare for all, and a living wage was within our grasp, the Trump presidency set the country spiraling in the opposite direction. Bigots everywhere have become emboldened, from neo-Nazis marching in the streets of Charlottesville to swastikas spray-painted on the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia in Annandale. While the administration is banning federal scientists from using certain words, women are fighting back against the resurgence in blatant sexism and society’s sexual harassment culture with the #MeToo campaign. As a Jewish mother of triplet daughters, I’m afraid for the first time for our safety and where this country is going, but motivated to be involved in turning things around.

I’m part of the new energy and resistance, which includes many women like myself. I’m asking for your vote because I have relevant experience for Recording Secretary, and I am dedicated to serving Fairfax Democrats.

If elected Recording Secretary, I will…

  • Be an impartial witness at FCDC Steering and General Membership meetings to ensure that the minutes and votes are properly documented. (I’m not part of any team or group.)
  • Promote transparency and accountability by providing Steering and General Membership minutes to members, while keeping in mind security concerns (using password-protected documents). The minutes are not currently posted on the FCDC website, and copies are only distributed on the day of the following meeting.
  • Support the creation of a sexual harassment code and policies for FCDC.
  • Be a voice for a Fairfax County district (Sully) that will not otherwise be represented in FCDC officer positions in 2018-2019. Of those currently campaigning for officer positions, 8 out of 17 are from either Braddock or Providence (4 each), 3 from Dranesville, and 2 each from Lee and Mount Vernon. I am the only candidate from Sully, and there are no candidates from Hunter Mill or Mason.
  • Be a constant voice in FCDC leadership when planning meetings and events, to ensure that holidays, observances, and beliefs of religious minorities are taken into consideration.


  • Secretary for two organizations for 4+ years:  a nonprofit organization serving persons with disabilities and my Jewish congregation.
  • Managing Editor (since 2013) at the National Academy of Sciences for the Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences and editor (2004-2013) for the Space Studies Board.


  • A progressive Democrat before “progressive” became trendy—supporting equality and equity for all peoples, criminal justice reform, Medicare for all, campaign finance reform, and student debt reform.
  • Volunteered in 2015 with my daughters on the Bernie Sanders campaign and served as a delegate in 2016 at both the 10th Congressional District convention and the State convention in Richmond for the Presidential election.
  • Attended several rallies, such as the 2017 Women’s March and the March for Science; supported the LGBTQ community with FCPS Pride at School Board meetings and the Capital Pride Festival 2017; and attended public meetings of the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission.


  • Canvassed, phone banked, and attended events for LuAnn Bennett, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Karrie Delaney, and Donte Tanner.
  • Ran for a seat on the 10th CD Democratic Committee in 2017—and was 1st runner up.
  • Sully Executive Committee member as Events Vice Chair.
  • Voter outreach and registration, GOTV, and data entry in Sully.
  • Outside poll volunteer in Sully for the 2017 Special Election and General Election and for absentee voting at the Fairfax County Government Center for the 2017 General Election.



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