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Video: Another Appalling Display by Sen. Mark ObenSHAME’s Courts of INjustice Committee, This Time on Background Checks


The following video, from yesterday’s Senate Courts of (In)Justice hearing/vote on gun background check legislation, is highly revealing about where today’s Republican Party’s heads are at. Check out the logical, fact-based, passionate arguments for universal background checks on gun purchases, which 90% of Virginians (including Republicans) support. Then check out the “arguments” against, by the usual suspects such as the NRA and this John Lott character (“all but excommunicated from academia” for his many ethical lapses), who ObenSHAME actually cited as an authority (!) on the subject and encouraged people to look up. It’s almost beyond parody, but sad to say, it’s all too real…and of course Republicans on the (In)Justice Commitee, in a party-line vote, rejected this commonsense, extremely popular measure to simply perform background checks on potential purchasers of firearms. Again, we have a LOT of work to do in 2019!


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