Home Don Beyer Video: Rep. Don Beyer, Several 10th CD Candidates Speak at Mt. Vernon...

Video: Rep. Don Beyer, Several 10th CD Candidates Speak at Mt. Vernon Dems’ Mardi Gras Party


Here’s video from tonight’s Mt. Vernon Democrats’ annual Mardi Gras party, this year featuring a straw poll (won easily by State Sen. Jennifer Wexton) for 10th CD candidates. The following videos, in order, are of Rep. Don Beyer, Lindsey Davis Stover, Dan Helmer, Julia Biggins and State Sen. Jennifer Wexton. Excellent speech by Rep. Don Beyer, by the way, including passionate comments about gun violence (“Really, how can you possibly consider yourself a good person if you do nothing [about gun violence] again and again and again…On Thursday, Paul Ryan said…this is  one of those moments where we just step back and count our blessings; well this is the same man who took $171,000 in blessings from the NRA…I say this with suppressed anger and a sense of wonder — how does he sleep at night?  How do images of the dead children…not haunt his dreams? Because they DO haunt my dreams.”)  Rep. Beyer’s solution? In large part, he said it comes down to Democrats taking back Congress this November. I couldn’t agree more. Let’s do it!


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